armor for BOA mail and plate wearers will cause even more damage reduction. BOA mail/plate were supposed to scale to leather/mail at levels below 40, they do not.
like on a hunter, the BOA mail chest says leather when a hunter inspects himself, when another class inspects you the same chest piece says mail. the armor on the chest piece at 19 is 183...which is not leather for the bracket. ingame non-boa lether chests do not hit 180+ armor till level-39
the situation is even worse for warrior/paladin BOAs that are supposed to be mail and are actually plate in armor stats
this IMO, is a error, i do not recollect the armor stats being scaled so high prior to cata.
since a leather chest in 19 brackets have like 100 armor, i could understand if the mail BOA chest that are supposed to be leather on hunters were like 110..........but 183. then when you add the helm, shoulders, and soon leggings. a hunter will have like 400-500 more armor than any non-BOA player