Official thread to nerf Hunters!

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2014, 2015, & 2018 TC Champ
I have started a thread in the General Discussions forum in regards to Hunters at low levels.

Hunters are too OP at low levels!

Feel free to post your own feedback. Please keep it constructive and on topic so Blizzard takes the topic serious.

Please help keep this thread bumped until we get a blue response or Hunters are properly balanced.

chancho1010 said:
Honestly, I think they're aware. As of right now you have to be as polite as possibly, or they'll just become agitated. ( even though they may deserve a little annoyance )

That's why I'm stressing that people keep it constructive and on topic.
Grody1 said:
Bunch of mouthbreathers got first posts. Kind of a joke.

Don't worry, if this post gets out of hand I'll continue to make new posts until one of them gets recognized.
It's amazing how quickly low level pvp post bring the trolls out.
Well, Blizzard moved the topic to the Hunter section where no developers even look. :mad:
Damn I hate being on the 2nd rate EU forums. Someone remind that huntard Rawinstinct what levels he got wing clip, scatter shot and concussive shot at.
Well, that's that.
Should just spam the general discussion with multiple post saying in different way that low level hunter are too op.
"I play in Xp-Off games in the 15-19 bracket daily and I must say, Hunters are getting ridiculous. On top of having Scatter shot, Disengage, and being able to kite endlessly with Conc shot, they are now critting for over 1.7k with aimed shot (A one shot on most characters in this bracket). I THOROUGHLY enjoy playing in this bracket, and i will continue to play regardless of who's nerfed or who's OP. However, something needs to be done about hunters. Flavor of the month rerollers are coming into this bracket and quite literally ruining it. They are single-handedly increasing queue times, which are already quite long for xp-off characters, and i would not be surprised if low level xp-off brackets eventually die off because of all of the hunter rerolls. This is NOT a "QQ HUNTERS ARE OP thread." This is me BEGGING for a nerf so that i can continue to play in the bracket that i enjoy. Thanks."

I can almost guarantee Blizz will pass this off entirely. They don't give a flying fuck about 19 twink class balance. You need to pitch it how it truly is, that it's effecting all classes and brackets like 10-40, not just 15-19 xp-off. Maybe when they see that they really are a ridiculously OP class for 30 levels and that they are ruining the fun for BG's by raping every other class they might get changed.
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