So I recently came back to WoW and decided to make a 39 twink, only to discover that when I queue for BG's absolutely nothing pops. I've tried in both the 20's and 30's brackets over multiple days and during different times and same thing. A /who 39 at peak times reveals ~15 or so online on my server (Yojamba), with pretty much all of them out levelling or doing dungeons. I suspect it's the same thing on other other Oceanic servers, and we only have a 4 server battlegroup so I guess there just aren't enough players interested to even make up 1 BG.
What server should I transfer to so I can actually play? I've spent hours levelling and gearing this thing and I don't want it to be a complete waste.
What server should I transfer to so I can actually play? I've spent hours levelling and gearing this thing and I don't want it to be a complete waste.