Oceanic BG's dead?


So I recently came back to WoW and decided to make a 39 twink, only to discover that when I queue for BG's absolutely nothing pops. I've tried in both the 20's and 30's brackets over multiple days and during different times and same thing. A /who 39 at peak times reveals ~15 or so online on my server (Yojamba), with pretty much all of them out levelling or doing dungeons. I suspect it's the same thing on other other Oceanic servers, and we only have a 4 server battlegroup so I guess there just aren't enough players interested to even make up 1 BG.

What server should I transfer to so I can actually play? I've spent hours levelling and gearing this thing and I don't want it to be a complete waste.
Yeah I gave up just not enough players to make it worth the time investment. Even 19s only popped 2-3 times in peak time for me. Gone back to retail
yep everyone from oceanic servers transferred to either alliance or horde whitemane US, we are horde <slash AFK> :)
Yeah what he said, defiers of defeat on whitemaine is the alliance guild, slash afk are the horde guild. I also know of a few horde on bigglesworth. I transferred over from Arugal a few weeks ago after the bgs started to dry up, the lag isn't too bad - I feel I'm pretty bad at picking a flag up because of the slight delay but that may just be me :p
Alright, looks like I'll xfer over to Whitemane when I have some spare cash. I had a quick look at the latency and it doesn't look too bad, about ~200 ms compared to 60 for Yojamba. I used to play on the old Oceanic servers when the servers were physically based in Cali so I'm used to it.
Yeah what he said, defiers of defeat on whitemaine is the alliance guild, slash afk are the horde guild. I also know of a few horde on bigglesworth. I transferred over from Arugal a few weeks ago after the bgs started to dry up, the lag isn't too bad - I feel I'm pretty bad at picking a flag up because of the slight delay but that may just be me :p
hahah thats the only time you really notice the ping, really fucken hard to get the pick from a good US player gotta be prespamming like a mofo
OCE is dead. all OCE come to whitemane, after testing nearly every server, it has the best latency for aus and nz players. it is also now a hub for both factions! although, there are quite long server queue times at the moment due to COVID19 activity increase. If you're horde another option is bigglesworth and fairbanks.

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