Nightelf shadowmeld bugged?


Hi everyone!

I dont know if this IS a bug or just me being angry at nightelf hunters, but i have on several occasions seen my spells go against target and before hit target shadowmeld and comes out unharmed. Talked to a GM about it and no issues regarding it has been reported.

The alternatives are ofcourse AGM but some of the people that it has happend against havent had it. So im just throwing it out there...

Happened to anyone else?
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Allows the rogue to vanish from sight, entering an improved stealth mode for 3 sec. For the first 3 sec after vanishing, damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth. Also breaks movement impairing effects.​
Yeah, shadowmeld grants temporary immunity just like vanish used to, if you time it right.

It works on any spell, but takes practice..

I've smelded death coils, stuns, charges, blinds, fears, polymorph..

Testing with a friend on dismantle, expose armors, rend, etc, I haven't had very much luck. But I imagine it would still work if you time it right.
Working as intended. I even remember using Shadowmeld on my lvl 29 hunter twink in 2009 to avoid being feared, polymorphed, frostbolted, and just to shock noobs (wtf, where is that hunter?) etc. Those were Good times, and dont hate for me being a huntard, I was such a a noob. xD

So, yes, it is working as intended
Thank you all for the answers! Guess Shadowmeld is quite good then...<sarcasm> Only good thing is that alliance dont have so many nelf hunters in this bracket...</sarcasm>
Thank you all for the answers! Guess Shadowmeld is quite good then...<sarcasm> Only good thing is that alliance dont have so many nelf hunters in this bracket...</sarcasm>

Remember when Allies bitched about OP horde racials? Those were the days.

Remember when Allies bitched about OP horde racials? Those were the days.


Considering horde had op racials for a long long time, no thats not surprising. If human racial gets nerfed horde will be top again.

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