New to 39, in fact twinking in cata.


Hey hey hey,

Been lurking about here for a few days now trying to figure out what to do. Me and a few pals were talking about back in the day, like BC days, when we all had 19 twinks and how fun it was. Figured we would give a try in the world of cata. You, 30-39 bracket, are the chosen few.

Basically just here to let everyone know that there is about to be a new pala and a new huntard joining the 39 bracket.

We play on Sunstrider EU Horde.

Im pretty sure there was other stuff i had planned on saying, but now i cant remember it...

right now 39 is a good bracket for ret-pal due to be able to point into sacred shield , it is game breaking in 39 trying to deal with a ret

in MOP they lose it at 39, it's a talent choice at 45

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