New to 20-24.. need help :o


A few friends of mine as well as myself are going to be making/leveling over a few chars for the 20-24 pvp experience. One of which will be a hunter FC regardless, however that leaves the remaining two of us. I will most likely be rolling a healing class since that is apparently what the low level brackets need most of these days, my other friend is undecided thus far on a class. We will avoiding the dominant faction, which is alliance I think; if I'm wrong tell me. We will be playing 24s, not to fit the "pwn those 20 newbs guise" stereotype, but rather to overcome the pathetic lolhunterbads that will inevitably farm mid/enemy gy every game. We're playing to win, not to be authentic; and by "winning" I mean 3 cap... not this gy farming garbage I see all the time in the 19s. On that note, I'm wondering if I can get some suggestions on decent 24 healing classes/good CC support classes that can double as a decent offense. I'd also appreciate some armory links as well. We're US btw. Kkthx!:D

PS: If I posted anything before this it's an accident, my laptop's keyboard is sporadically imputting random keys while I type, Soz.

The FC hunter is a result of him getting bored of the 19 bracket and leveling out. Personally I don't approve of hunters at all in the low level brackets; this was not my choice don't bash me -.- . I've deleted all my active hunter twinks since cata to free up space so don't crucify me for a cause I obviously do not stand for. Playing with friends > playing with "pugtards" (best term eva), kthx:p
God I really wanna help; but when I saw this I totally lost interest in helping:

Mcmurphy said:
One of which will be a hunter FC

Mcmurphy said:
We will be playing 24s

Good day.
Mrcer said:
God I really wanna help; but when I saw this I totally lost interest in helping:

Good day.

Back before the frozen orbs in WoTLK were need on default, you would have people that juked the universal greed roll(don't ask me why everyone greeded idfk) and walked off with the orb, sometimes going so far as to brag about ninja'ing the item. Now, according to you, you would rather have greeded to go with the traditional style of play(as broken as it seemed) even if some moron already was messing with the universal order and needing on the orb before you? Or.. you would be the one to trash me out for needing after the said moron to up my chance to win the roll. I'm applying this to 20-24 twinking: Why play 20 and get rolled by 24 stam-stacking hunters when you could match their access to gear/abilities if you had the choice? Lets face it children, the hunterbad force of cataclysm is upon us and you would rather sit at 20 and get laughed at and called bad since you can be "one-shotted" by a two-ability hunter rotation? I'm one of the good guys, we're helping the bracket.. if 20-24 is anything like the 19s horde will be getting gy farmed 3/5 games. How am I bad or a disgrace if I wanted to give the opponent something to fight against instead of this roflstompage we face every other game?
no matter your reasoning people will give you shit for going 24, this bracket got popular becuase of trials and the guys who wanted to play f2p twinks. dont expect many people to help you with gearing/chanting idea;s on a 24. try wowhead
Horde has many 24s at the moment that know how to play.

Would be nice to have some on ally


I would love some competition on my 24.

That is all.
*sigh* Well in that case I have a message to all you account subscribers that would rather cripple themselves with a 20 and rage at the people that have a paid right to have access to legitimate "twink" enchants/gear/abilities etc.. at 24. A man that would rather pick up a club to fight then a automatic weapon when given a choice will -always- lose. Such is the difference when comparing 20 F2P "loltwink" to a legit 24 paid character. And Mrcer, I bet you use the top vanilla enchants (9stam,4stats/100Hp,etc) and use your 85-obtained BoAs. The word of the day is hypocrite.
Mcmurphy said:
*sigh* Well in that case I have a message to all you account subscribers that would rather cripple themselves with a 20 and rage at the people that have a paid right to have access to legitimate "twink" enchants/gear/abilities etc.. at 24. A man that would rather pick up a club to fight then a automatic weapon when given a choice will -always- lose. Such is the difference when comparing 20 F2P "loltwink" to a legit 24 paid character. And Mrcer, I bet you use the top vanilla enchants (9stam,4stats/100Hp,etc) and use your 85-obtained BoAs. The word of the day is hypocrite.

i happily criple myself just to have fun, sure it isnt fun when the other side has decent 24's but otherwise its alot more fun then steamrolling

but im alliance so we win alot
Nohealsforju said:
OP go ahead and play 24s but do not roll a hunter if anything have a stam stacking Mage it is would be better since mages are underplayed. (or warlock)

As for healers resto shammy. Don't look back.

Yeah I was scouting around the F2P forums and found the 13-page 20vs24 rage fest. Got some nice armories from the posts. :p Btw looks like I'm going horde restosham. Thanks for the help ;)
Mcmurphy said:
Yeah I was scouting around the F2P forums and found the 13-page 20vs24 rage fest. Got some nice armories from the posts. :p Btw looks like I'm going horde restosham. Thanks for the help ;)

np dude hope to play with you on my pally rogue or mage. i may play against you though on my alliance 24 rogue just know if i relentless pursue you it is nothing personal.
Mcmurphy said:
Yeah I was scouting around the F2P forums and found the 13-page 20vs24 rage fest. Got some nice armories from the posts. :p Btw looks like I'm going horde restosham. Thanks for the help ;)


Welcome to the party pal :)
well you guys sound like a bunch of bads but i would highly reccomend resto sham, best healing, plus frost shock, plus if you get bored 24 enh shams are insane.

best of luck to you guys on your endeavor, if things get too hard you can always just xfer your mains to a pvp realm and camp levelers
Subpar said:
well you guys sound like a bunch of bads but i would highly reccomend resto sham, best healing, plus frost shock, plus if you get bored 24 enh shams are insane.

best of luck to you guys on your endeavor, if things get too hard you can always just xfer your mains to a pvp realm and camp levelers

Resto sham for sure.
Subpar said:
well you guys sound like a bunch of bads but i would highly reccomend resto sham, best healing, plus frost shock, plus if you get bored 24 enh shams are insane.

best of luck to you guys on your endeavor, if things get too hard you can always just xfer your mains to a pvp realm and camp levelers

If you're throwing a punch at those who wish to win instead of get picked off by 24 hunterbad mid-farmers backed up by discpriests you can join the club. I'm trying out this bracket because you can gear up a BiS char much easier then, say, 19 (that is to say, less expensive), and I'm getting tired of L2P "loltwinks" flooding the 19 bracket.. especially on horde (alliance is not phased by this because their hunter population far succeeds any other class). My earlier post on this thread can apply to you, if you haven't read it there's some insight right there... you should check it out. As for being "easy" it probably won't be considering what I've seen on the horde side thus far. However, as long as we play against people with your single-mindedness we can easily overcome an entire ally team with 3 no doubt. We've done it many times before and are probably a better team than most of the bracket can throw at us. Once I gear I'll post some armory links so you can watch out for us in the gulch to see what I mean. Until then, cheers ;)
Mcmurphy said:
If you're throwing a punch at those who wish to win instead of get picked off by 24 hunterbad mid-farmers backed up by discpriests you can join the club. I'm trying out this bracket because you can gear up a BiS char much easier then, say, 19 (that is to say, less expensive), and I'm getting tired of L2P "loltwinks" flooding the 19 bracket.. especially on horde (alliance is not phased by this because their hunter population far succeeds any other class). My earlier post on this thread can apply to you, if you haven't read it there's some insight right there... you should check it out. As for being "easy" it probably won't be considering what I've seen on the horde side thus far. However, as long as we play against people with your single-mindedness we can easily overcome an entire ally team with 3 no doubt. We've done it many times before and are probably a better team than most of the bracket can throw at us. Once I gear I'll post some armory links so you can watch out for us in the gulch to see what I mean. Until then, cheers ;)

Hunters are overplayed on both sides, I think its silly to say any side has MORE huntards. Also, I have yet to be bothered by a 24...sure its annoying to get camped by em or whatever but Ive found that almost every 24 (hunters primarily but i noticed it with a priest and war earlier today too) are keyboard turning baddies. Most arent even CLOSE to BiS, just patchworked BoAs and some blue gear. I easily out skill most of em, when I have LoS I tend to wreck 24 hunters all day. Of course, these are the BAD 24s, not ALL 24s are bad....just most.

As for reading your post earlier in this thread, Ill read it when you roll something that takes skill

Subpar said:
Hunters are overplayed on both sides, I think its silly to say any side has MORE huntards. Also, I have yet to be bothered by a 24...sure its annoying to get camped by em or whatever but Ive found that almost every 24 (hunters primarily but i noticed it with a priest and war earlier today too) are keyboard turning baddies. Most arent even CLOSE to BiS, just patchworked BoAs and some blue gear. I easily out skill most of em, when I have LoS I tend to wreck 24 hunters all day. Of course, these are the BAD 24s, not ALL 24s are bad....just most.

As for reading your post earlier in this thread, Ill read it when you roll something that takes skill


A resto sham takes no skill compared to what? Resto druid.. maybe? Please help me on my quest to find a harder class to heal with(err, that doesn't crash and burn when I start taking damage), woe is me. While you ponder this, what class do YOU play? Disc priest, aff lock, Hpal(since you talk of this thing called LoS that kills huntards)? If you answered yes to any of these, you may be entering the early stages of a rare disease know as Hypocrisy. Consult a doctor immediately if so, and while you're doing that; maybe re'roll to a, ahem, "harder class"? I heard it helps alot.
i play a f2p enh shaman. i didnt mean to imply that your CLASS takes no skill, rather your PLAYSTYLE takes no skill. i would know, i rolled a 24 warrior 6+ months ago ( Jawsome @ Kael'thas - Game - World of Warcraft ), its no challenge and gets boring incredibly quickly unless you have the attention span of a child and just want to pew pew pew

im hostile to new 24 twinks because the "24 movement" or whatever is encouraging bads like this Rageingtwink @ Darrowmere - Game - World of Warcraft

So until proven otherwise, I assume everyone that rolls 24 is a mouthbreather. Feel free to prove me wrong though ;o
Subpar said:
i play a f2p enh shaman. i didnt mean to imply that your CLASS takes no skill, rather your PLAYSTYLE takes no skill. i would know, i rolled a 24 warrior 6+ months ago ( Jawsome @ Kael'thas - Game - World of Warcraft ), its no challenge and gets boring incredibly quickly unless you have the attention span of a child and just want to pew pew pew

im hostile to new 24 twinks because the "24 movement" or whatever is encouraging bads like this Rageingtwink @ Darrowmere - Game - World of Warcraft

So until proven otherwise, I assume everyone that rolls 24 is a mouthbreather. Feel free to prove me wrong though ;o

Challenge accepted, I hope to see you in the gulch/AB ASAP. I'll be sure to link my 24 once I finish leveling/gearing so you can keep an eye out. :p

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