New mount: Celestial Steed


Twink Info Legend
str8 from my post on wowhead:

Bought for 25$ from blizzard store.

There currently is a que to buy them ranging up to several hours currently, I'm sure it will be a lot lower during late/early hours. You must stay in the que and when you get to the front you will be prompted to put in payment info. You have 15mins to do this or you will be removed from the que and have to start in the back. *There is a quantity bar but I'm not sure how many are available. When I first tried to buy one today the meter was at 91%, my internet got d/c and when i requed an hour or so later it was only at 89% after, easily, several thousand purchases already.

Scales with riding skill from 60% ground up to 310% air - but ONLY if you already have or get a 310% flier (gladiator mounts, glory of the <insert here> raider, etc)

Gets mailed to all current and future characters on your account.

If you hit spacebar (or /mountspecial) it creates a cluster of stars.

After testing in Dalaran: If you mount in the city, then run to Krasus' Landing, you can NOT jump and take off flying; you must dismount and remount. When flying over the city you WILL get dismounted, even if you fly over the wall and immediately start walking you will get the debuff and be dismounted causing you to mount again.

Just some info/observations after buying one. 1st time I've bought something from blizz store and I must say I am pretty happy with this impulse buy. It looks cool and the fact it is account wide is really awesome.
McBankington said:
Looks like invincible.

even better imo. and you dont have to beat LK on 25hm then win a roll against 24 other ppl (or get shafted by loot council or some other gay loot distribution method)
this guy is obviously celestial; same color/consistancy of algalon...see that dudes screen shot

invincible is like brown and gray or some crap
you need some form of riding training to use it, so no-go for a 19
Hurpdurp said:

dum. btw its april 16th, just in case you wanted ta change ze sig
veddy nice, hi-5
Falkor said:
dum. btw its april 16th, just in case you wanted ta change ze sig
Are you a fan of the once was
nah, why'da wonder?
Like my guildy said, that thing looks like a half-assed david bowie character from pan's labyrinth.

GG whoever spent money on it when you could have factioned/xferred rofl.

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