New melee haste rating changes for shamans, druids, and paladins

Classes: General

* Armor Penetration Rating: All classes now receive 25% more benefit from Armor Penetration Rating.

* Haste Rating: Shamans, Paladins, Druids, and Death Knights now receive 30% more melee haste from Haste Rating.

* Taunts: All player or pet-generated taunts now have a shared diminish category.

For the 19 bracket it might be very beneficial to stack haste for those 3 classes (However those 3 classes benefit most from spell power/ spells at lvl 19. Not sure which one would benefit the most from the melee haste bonus> It would probably be used most by paladins, since shamans and druids do most of their dps healing ect... from spells.

It is very off why they only chose 4 classes, I would think they would have buffed haste for all classes, instead of overpowered classes such as paladins and death knights.
Haste rating

Correct me if im wrong but haste rating also effect's spellcast time. So haste might indeed makeup for lost spellpower. Problem is that all haste slots are in fact spellpower slots making it a mute point. I remember reading somewhere that 10 haste rating decreased spellcast time around .05 seconds. But haste increases capacity the more you stack it. So the just 10 haste rating might decrease spellcast to about .08 instead. thanks for the info! Looks like they are seriously overhauling everything.
Correct me if im wrong but haste rating also effect's spellcast time.

Yes, but one problem.

Shamans, Paladins, Druids, and Death Knights now receive 30% more melee haste from Haste Rating.

I can understand why they do it, and think it's a smart move on blizzards part. Enhance Shams, Ret Pallies, Feral Druids, and DKs (well not really) are a little underpar on DPS for raids. So with some extra haste that should bring them up to par with other dps. This also doesn't really affect PvP, because there's little to no haste on pvp gear, so we don't have to worry about Ret Pallies and DKs getting a pvp buff.

I don't think this will really affect 19s much at all though. We could be looking a very slight buff to Shamans but thats about it.
User said:
Correct me if im wrong but haste rating also effect's spellcast time. So haste might indeed makeup for lost spellpower. Problem is that all haste slots are in fact spellpower slots making it a mute point. I remember reading somewhere that 10 haste rating decreased spellcast time around .05 seconds. But haste increases capacity the more you stack it. So the just 10 haste rating might decrease spellcast to about .08 instead. thanks for the info! Looks like they are seriously overhauling everything.

The note clearly states that the increase is melee haste only.

Also, there is a spell haste cap of slightly less than 1 second. Based on some experimentation I did with a L10 haste frost mage, you can only get down to around .95ish spell cast; it will however continue to affect the global cooldown.

This change could be a big boost for 19's since you can add +10 haste to head (or even legs) and +10 haste to gloves and +20 haste via counterweight to every 2h except staff. Could mean some wicked fast 1h or 2h hits with druids, pallies, and shaman as stated.
This is also kind of interesting for a 29 retadin. You have the option of [item]Algae Fists[/item] with +10 haste vs the quest reward leather gloves with a BC chant.

Although now that we we won't be using Nethercleft in the 19s, hasty 19 paladins using [item]Smite's Mighty Hammer[/item], BAR, or [item]Night Reaver[/item] could be the new buzz. 10 haste to head, gloves, & pants and crusader on the weapon.
its quite easy to know why...

they are not thinking of casters more like melee fighters in order to give them another option. this change is clearly for high level. since it serves ENHANCED shaman more then the others, it serves RETADINS, FERAL DRUIDS and DK the most.

but it is weird for them to think only of those classes, maybe its to make people think twice when it comes to make those melee classes good with SP or AP. if they do are faster, then AP is going to be better then stacking SP.

still i wonder why they did it.
read carefully, they are !

Armor Penetration Rating: All classes now receive 25% more benefit from Armor Penetration Rating.

Haste Rating: Shamans, Paladins, Druids, and Death Knights now receive 30% more melee haste from Haste Rating.

i do agree that it doesn't change a thing for 19s though =8-D
It may increase haste somewhat, and its likely worth a shot once the patch comes out. But to be honest, the old enchants will still likely be better than the haste.

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