New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves in Shadowlands


New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves in Shadowlands
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
In an upcoming Shadowlands Alpha build, Blood Elves and Void Elves will be receiving some new customization options that some of you may be interested in. We wanted to give you an early look at a few of these new options available to the two races, with the first being several shades of blue eyes to choose from.

Void Elf blue eyes on top, Blood Elf blue eyes on bottom

Additionally, Blood Elves will have the option to choose from a variety of new skin colors and Void Elves will inherit the skin color options that are available to Blood Elves. Here’s a glimpse of the potential characters that you can create with some of the new options.

New Blood Elf Customization Options

New Void Elf Customization Options

This is just a sneak peek at some of the many customization options coming to your characters in Shadowlands! We look forward to seeing all of the creations that you come up with in the future.

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I really liked the idea of making Void Elves have normal skin tone, since Alleria herself isn't all void-y for good or worse. But I must say that the Fanart is miles ahead in making them look as normal as possible without losing their outlandish appeal (specially the white skin tone with void corruption on the limbs).

The only problem in making Blood and Void Elves share so much options is that it dilludes their visual identity and agravates the main problematic question: why haven't Blood Elves returned to the Alliance?

Back in TBC, the answer was that Blood Elves were "more evil than your average elf" and would do anything to survive. That was very noticiable in the way their Paladins, the Blood Knights, were handled. Rather than praying and waiting for the Light to answer them, they kidnapped a Naruu and torture it to obtain its powers.

That was a very cleaver narrative decision, because it gave the newly added races (Draeneis and Blood Elves) some already developed conflicts that tied directly with new gameplay elements (the addition of the paladin class with unique spells to each faction, the Outland continent, the Aldor and Scryers etc.).

[Unfortunately?] Since Velen forgave them and purified the Sunwell at the end of the raid, that is no longer the case. The main act of "savage survival" that banded Blood Elves with the Horde simply doesn't exist anymore. Heck, even the prejudice Draeneis held against Blood Elves was gone by the time both strangely grouped up at Talador.

Anyway, some [more] food for thought.

Also, the less dark tones are really beautiful with the brown hair colors!

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