New 39 twinks few quiestions

New 39 twinks few questions

Hi I'm new to 39's I played 29 forever just kinda burnt out on it so I'm looking for some good specs etc to try on a pally. I like to have my twinks in perfect gear kinda ocd about it.

If anyone has like a completely geared ret / holy maybe prot for a fc set up please send me an armory or some names of some people that you consider to be all set up.

Looking for a solid rogue/lock set up also as Im currently lvling them as well both in mid 30's so any info advice would be great and thanks for reading. I look forward to some good info.

LOL at quiestions

someday I will learn to spellcheck.:(
in "my twinks" you will find isinaa. almost ready. she is in made you look. afaik one of the top EU guilds. i think you will find some good armorys in there.

btw, on holy pallys there are some items you wont see often, but i think against melee they are top:




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