new 19 twink lock

hey guys tell me what u think.

heres my armory link [char=Drak%27thul]Yesicheat[/char]

i made her today lvl 1-19 full gear
Haunted said:
hey guys tell me what u think.

heres my armory link [char=Drak%27thul]Yesicheat[/char]

i made her today lvl 1-19 full gear

Only improvement I can see is maybe go for the WSG ring (Advisor's Ring).

edit: looking again now of course you're going to get agm, fishing hat, and I reccomend picking up herbs.
I don't get these 20 shadow spell power on gloves, I myself find Immolate and Searing pain(fire spells) very useful.

<--- My lock, Elekfntdazen
Yeah, that 20 shaddow is for more WSG than anything, because in mid theres no LoS to use, and that would be best for ShadowBold, the 16 SP is nice but for all the dots and quick cast dammage.

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