Need your opinion about proffessions


Hi there,

starting immediately with my subject: i'm making a lvl 70 "stopped XP" druid.

faction: horde

race :tauren

specs : restoration / feral

i m interested mostly on BGs and arena not much of raiding etc. i 've already decided to get tailoring and i have trouble deciding wich will be my 2nd profession .

A. herbalism? easy and fast farming especially after lvl 60 (flight form farm etc),haste from lifeblood and a minor heal?and maybe some gold profit from herbs

B.alchemy?flask of the north/haste potions/endless heal-mana potions etc trinket for both resto and feral spec-haste or rocket on gloves-nitro on belt (which comes handy in Bgs etc) nice leather helmet at 440 engi (if i remember well)- few bombs for a questionable freeze or a bit extra dmg.

Note that i dont have Cataclysm upgrade and i know about better gems of JC or extra sockets of BS etc .

Thanx in advance for any replies

cloak chants

feral 400 ap proc (poping right after your cheapshot + ring proc + berserking + trinket = one shot)

resto spd proc suck, go for 400 mana proc (cloak + meta + spirit proc trinket from illidan = never oom and you still have your innervate). i dont even use innervate on arenas (maybe only bgs sometimes)

eng is bad, just bad for resto.

feral? may it be.

the second go for JC (just for the stats)

Don`t discount Blacksmithing on your druid. This allows you two more sockets you can tailor your stats to whatever you want/need. I went with JC/Blacksmith on my 70 druid.

Also, Engineering is far from useless on a druid or any other healer. Depending on what tinker you get, free LoH, free burst, free Mana Pot, etc. Depends whether you exclusively arena or BG or raid or....then there are the bombs etc....
Sharlindra said:

cloak chants

feral 400 ap proc (poping right after your cheapshot + ring proc + berserking + trinket = one shot)

resto spd proc suck, go for 400 mana proc (cloak + meta + spirit proc trinket from illidan = never oom and you still have your innervate). i dont even use innervate on arenas (maybe only bgs sometimes)

eng is bad, just bad for resto.

feral? may it be.

the second go for JC (just for the stats)


Yeh id go for that, should not forget the panther trinket from Jc either; 320 ap on use every 1.30min would make it + 800 ap when used with the swordguard proc.

Fairly certain that trinket is Bis for pvp now that Berserkers call is unavailable Idk.
mortus said:
Hi there,

starting immediately with my subject: i'm making a lvl 70 "stopped XP" druid.

faction: horde

race :tauren

specs : restoration / feral

i m interested mostly on BGs and arena not much of raiding etc. i 've already decided to get tailoring and i have trouble deciding wich will be my 2nd profession .

A. herbalism? easy and fast farming especially after lvl 60 (flight form farm etc),haste from lifeblood and a minor heal?and maybe some gold profit from herbs

B.alchemy?flask of the north/haste potions/endless heal-mana potions etc trinket for both resto and feral spec-haste or rocket on gloves-nitro on belt (which comes handy in Bgs etc) nice leather helmet at 440 engi (if i remember well)- few bombs for a questionable freeze or a bit extra dmg.

Note that i dont have Cataclysm upgrade and i know about better gems of JC or extra sockets of BS etc .

Thanx in advance for any replies

I would personally go for Tailoring with Jewelcrafting, both have quite good buffs and are not too expensive to leven, if you take the time to wait a few days and buy the mats when they are cheap.

Wile as a little suggestion you might want to re-consider feral off spec and go Moonkin, there are not many around and if well played they can no doubt be some good fun.

Just my 2 cent.
JC better than BS

JC have some pve shit of you want this like rings and neck, and the same + stats but 2 more, like you can go for 40 str as BS and 42 str as JC (cuz 14 + 14 + 14 = 42)
Drayner said:
I definitely prefer guaranteed rewards over a "chance to proc" reward.

So so true, hence why imho engineering is not worth it, wile a stable profession is better, not to mention that engineering is less good pve wise.
Drayner said:
PVE wise, I wouldn't choose engineering, but for PVP... indeed. Speed boots, Tazik, bombs, Slow fall. I've died on my 85 jumping off LM hitting my slowfall key (which my 85 doesn't have). :)

Well, you mention Tazik but ( i was lucky got it on first try ) some people have leveled 15 or more times, so the gold effort put in there ( not many farm mats ) is quite big, mainly depends on the player, but yes Tazik - Synapse are worth it pvp wise.
well i finally decided to go with the oddest of the decisions choosing alchemy! i know most of you guys will scream out now but its an odd combination tailor-alch,seemed nice for a druid,havent ever used this combo(though i have to admit i really like JC and engi)

maybe it will turn to be a wrong decision but since my playtime wont be that much i hope it will be fun at least in BGs etc.

one last quick question about gear issues: having all the brutal set and stacking resil and agi-resil (feral) or INT-resil(resto) is it viable or need to make a mix with pvp-pve gear? and assuming the 1 st trinket is to break stuns etc what would be the 2 nd one?

thanx again :)
mortus said:

one last quick question about gear issues: having all the brutal set and stacking resil and agi-resil (feral) or INT-resil(resto) is it viable or need to make a mix with pvp-pve gear? and assuming the 1 st trinket is to break stuns etc what would be the 2 nd one?

thanx again :)

Second one would either be the + int from Sunwell or the + int from Illidan.
Camael said:
So so true, hence why imho engineering is not worth it, wile a stable profession is better, not to mention that engineering is less good pve wise.

the **** are you talking about lmao theres no random procs from engineering ?_?

engineering was the best raiding profession in wotlk because of bombs and is still the best raiding profession for tbc raids because of bombs. so shut the **** up if you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.
yeah **** engineering is such a ****ing awful raiding profession

**** a passive 80 int/agi/str from synapse springs when you get wotlk bonuses from every other prof

also **** [item]63396[/item] it only does like 30k damage every minute in pve, thats GARBAGE.
blueisbetterthanyou said:
yeah **** engineering is such a ****ing awful raiding profession

**** a passive 80 int/agi/str from synapse springs when you get wotlk bonuses from every other prof

also **** [item]63396[/item] it only does like 30k damage every minute in pve, thats GARBAGE.

What a very usefull and polite comment.

Synaspe is not easy to discover, and the gold effort that might be needed is not something that everyone can do, hence why going for something else that gives a stable benefit is better than hoping for 1 tinker out of 8.

blueisbetterthanyou said:
the **** are you talking about lmao theres no random procs from engineering ?_?

engineering was the best raiding profession in wotlk because of bombs and is still the best raiding profession for tbc raids because of bombs. so shut the **** up if you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

You prooved once again how immature you are having to insult me in a row,no, engineering was not the best raiding profession in wotlk.

Unless you achieved something in wotlk, as i did, having 4 light of dawn toons with 15 % buff playing in #12 worldwide ranked guild, dont talka bout wotlk, thank you.
uhm Camael Engi was idd the best DPS professions for some classes, i.e rogue with haste gloves and bombs and for classes that scaled f*** loads with haste it was by far the best profession, similar how tailoring is for every caster now at 85.
Bakpak said:
uhm Camael Engi was idd the best DPS professions for some classes, i.e rogue with haste gloves and bombs and for classes that scaled f*** loads with haste it was by far the best profession, similar how tailoring is for every caster now at 85.


dont forget rocket boots. pretty much every guild(including paragon) used the **** out of boots for heroic lk.

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