Need weapon proc swap help.

80 help but we're all friends here.

Want to swap weapon after Black Magic proc then after 45 seconds (internal CD) have a message pop to me in whisper that it's up again. I need a mod to alert me when the proc has come up to with a sound alert.

I have SCT but so much goes on that i miss it. If i could get a sound bit like a scream for when it procs it would help a ton or even a mod that could flash my screen or some such it would be amazing.

/equip [nomod] (weapon name #1)

/equip [mod:shift] (weapon name #2)

/in 43 seconds Black Magic Soon

/in 44 seconds Black Magic Soon

/in 45 seconds Black Magic Ready

Should work right?
you can download powerauras to show when the proc occurs, you are able to give an icon and effect for the proc, its quite simple to use
You can change the size of the splash of the icon while using sexy cooldown (assuming thats what you mean by SCT). I to miss this alot, but you can change the size to be so big you can't miss it.

Also I have no idea if that macro you have will work, but to weapon change I write macros for item codes. To get the codes just equip a set of weapon and use this

/run local function id(s) return strmatch(GetInventoryItemLink("player",s) or "","(item:%d+:%d+):") end for i=16,17 do if id(i) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("/equipslot "..i.." " end end

Do this for both sets of weapons and just make a normal /equip macro using the codes...... this works with two weapons that are the same because in the weapon code it includes the enchant...

PowerAuras is a great mod... I have been using it for a long time, but despite what the guy above it saying there is not a way to make an Aura show during the inter CD of the weapon proc, but only its up time.

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