Need Help w/ Hunter


Long story short, I'm sick of dying to the incredibly OP hunters in the 19 bracket. So, rather than continue QQing about them, I've decided to just go ahead and make one.

I need some help though with what gear to get. So far, this is what I'm going to be aiming for, but if there are any better choice please post them here.

Head: Lucky Fishing Hat

Shoulders: Champion Herod's Shoulders

Cloak: Sentry Cloak (+3 agility)

Chest: Blackened Defias Chest (+100 hp)

Tabard: Tabard of the Explorer

Bracers: Wrangler's Wristbands of the Monkey (+9 stamina)

Gloves: Scouting Gloves of the Monkey (+15 agility)

Belt: Deviate Scale Belt

Legs: Leggings of the Fang (+16 armor)

Boots: Nat Pagle's Extreme Angling Boots (Boar's Speed)

Ring1: Seal of Wrynn

Ring2: Protector's Band

Trinket1: Arena Grand Master

Trinket2: Swift Hand of Justice

Weapon1: Twisted Chanter's Staff (+25 Agility)

Weapon2: None

Bow: Venomstrike (+3 damage)

My main concerns are these:

1) Should I get the BoA bow and staff over Twisted Chanter's and Venomstrike?

2) Should I be focusing a little more on Intellect than on Agility/Stamina (i.e. Different bracers or belt?)

3) Would dual-wielding a thief's blade (+15 agility) and sentinel's blade (+22 intellect) yield better stat bonuses than a staff with +25 agility?
definitely get a tree bark jacket instead of blackened defias

sadly you can't dual wield until level 20 with hunters i believe :(

youll want to get the BoA staff over TCS but definitely get a venomstrike.

spec careful aim if you want to put out alot of damage without having to sacrifice your mana pool. Get two staves and put 22 int on one and when you run out of that 22 int use the other staff with 25 agi on it.
Ok thanks. This is going to be a NE hunter so I'll get that Girdle of the Blindwatcher. As for the bracers, should I have +9 stamina on them regardless of what type they are?
Sorry for the double post, but I also am in desperate need of advice when it comes to my pet. I know spiders can trap people with their webs, are they the best choice?
Crabs can do the same thing with "pin", they are also really easy to come by around Darkshore.
screechers stun, crabs pin, spiders web.

really up to what you want to do, and what your personal preference is
web has a short CD and it's ranged.

it can be dispelled, but it's rare to find a competent priest that will dispel web.

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