need help: rogue

In this bracket due to many great OH daggers but an amazing and easily obtainable sword in the Thrash Blade, what do rogues traditionally spec?



and a less played 0/33/7

are all specs I've seen championed the most.

I've seen a bunch of really weird specs too..


3/0/37 Waylay


Easiest to play and the most played is probably 40pt Sub
Thrash Blade + Shadowblade seems to be the best combo IMO.
Wisperin said:
hi ive been thinking of making a 49 rogue so i need your help

link me some guides or armory chars

i got a rogue on lvl 47 atm with almost full engi so i decided to twink him

also maby some sugestions what gear is best at 49?.. go full dps or more stam or maby something in betwen :confused:

all help apriciated :)

Go here. This gives you several gear choice options and grades them for you and tells you the very best gear alternatives.
Wisperin said:
ye i got thrash blade and gona get widowmaker for ambush in mh

still need head and chest drops (hate that rare boss in mara)

gona get shadowblade for oh but a bit low on gold atm :(

do u think i should skill up LW for or get some gathering prof?

i think those are the best legs when the patch comes out and we can no longer use leg enchants

Don't use shadow blade off hand, either WSG dagger off hand with 15 agi or Doomforged straight edge.

Again pop over to this link it. It is a dedicated 49 twink site put together by a lot of the top 49s.
The ''dedicated'' site is missing a few gear pieces, no biggie though, wowhead and common sense is usually king of the hill. ;p

Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Dagger is pretty much the best in slot offhand for horde rogues with the item level allowing wotlk chants. Berserking might feel a bit meh, but you can't go wrong with accuracy or 65ap.
Finks said:
Thanks for the link, but from what I saw that was alliance based. Any thoughts on OH?

OK for horde.... pretty much the same

*Scouts Blade (Horde WSG Dagger)

*Doom forged straight edge

*And as tweedle suggested Azsharite Felbane Dagger.

Myself personally I prefer the stats from WSG dagger (scouts Horde dagger) with 15 agi over Azsharite Felbane Dagger with AP for OH.

But its up to you and how you prefer to play and what stats you want to focus on.

I would suggest that if your putting points into sinsiter calling talent I would not use Azsharite Felbane Dagger or Doom Forged I would defaintely go with Scouts Blade (Horde Wsg dagger) with 15 agi
Wisperin said:
ye i know of the site but it gives only boe legs to use

do u think geting 32 ap and 10 hit ratink from is worth losing herb buff or maybe skining buff

also would u get jc for the or some other prof

ye i like doomforged and i wana get it but cant find it on ah. also wana get widowmaker for the ambush but Twisting nether ah sucks a**:p

Basically for legs....

ST of the monkey pants with mining and herbing or skining and herbing is the best. My preference is Mining/Herbing.

If you can't be bothered troll farming ST for of the monkey legs then drop any prof except herbalism and get leather working pants imo!
If you really want to stick to your gathering prof buffs you could get yourself a pair of Atal'Ai Leggings of the Monkey. 17 base stam in addition to 15 stam and 15agi.

Blackstorms are awesome though, they'll push you really close to the hit cap assuming you've got blackstone ring/surefooted/shadowcraft shoulders, but even then.. There's a 24 hit rating trinket incoming the next patch, doesn't require engineering to use unless it's been changed as of late.

With that in mind, you could pick up the jc trinket aswell and get atal'ai's.

edit: swift gnome is swift. wanna make out?
tweedledum said:
If you really want to stick to your gathering prof buffs you could get yourself a pair of Atal'Ai Leggings of the Monkey. 17 base stam in addition to 15 stam and 15agi.

^^ That's the ST Monkey pants I was referring too Wisperin.
Building a horde ambush rogue for the sole purpose of being THAT GUY that ambushes/evis then runs away if u don't die.

Race: Orc (For Bloodfury)

Sex: Female for the sex dance and /gloat sound


Profs: JC vs LW vs Eng vs Skinning

Here in lies my dilemma:

JC - stealth trink, speed trink, ap trinket

Skinning - 20 crit (If my ambush has 70% chance to crit, do I need more crit)

LW - best pants, no if ands or butts ( vs 32 stam, 15 agi)

Eng - Stealth detection goggles (I love them)

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