need fast help


hey bois!

i know my question is not 10-19, but this is fastest way to get your answer, and im on hurry.
i made hunter twink ONLY for world pvp, first 29 then i did ding 30 because [Careful Aim] and my aimed shot did skyrocket with around 1440 crits, but now here is the thing do i stay 30 or go 40?
(i have saved every quest with reward)
pros and cons
+well im 30 atm...
+really high oneshot potential
+can duel twinks
-zones 20-60 i can meet 50-60 enemys and die
-60% mount
-no level 40-60 zones

+100% mount
+ALOT more quest to turn epic
+as 40 i beat +50 players ez
+pvp talent
+one good passive
-more leveling
-risk not to be able to oneshot(?)

thats my pros and cons.
go 40+ bro
every single vanilla quest is available to 40s
thats a lot of chances 4 epic upgrades
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