Need 70 warlock tips

Best 70 spec for locks?

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Alright, so im a warlcok lvl 70 DEMO/Destro
I win most of my duels. but the duels i win i feel like i did to much to win.. on my 70 dk twink its so much easier to win. both dk and shadowpriest... My rotation is probably wack..
I need some tips or new rotations for MAINLY destro Vs casters and melle
There isn't a real "rotation" in PvP, but i usually begin like this CoE>Bane of Doom>Corruption. Then SF or Immolate... Our best hitter is probably Conflagration, so use it asap !

Tips for destrolock.

DK :

Trinket : Strangulate/Chains of Ice (only if you are inside his hitbox without anything to control him).

Pet : Felhunter

General : Use Nether Ward as soon as possible and try to absorb frost damages first, especially against frost DK. Don't forget to fake cast your fear (they mostly try to interrupt it) and don't forget that you can CS him 2sec with your pet to avoid some damages or a kick. Dk is not a very hard for a lock if you are not afraid to fear him and if you survive during the time of Anti-Magic Shield (you can't control him). I think the best way to survive is to use a Net but you need to be a tailor. The other way is to run x)

Arm warrior :

Trinket : Their 5sec stun.

Pet : The sexy succubus.

General : The arm warrior is not really hard to... Just charm him>destro chain>finish. If he has time to use Bladestorm, the only thing you can to except dps is to use a Healthstone. just be ready to fake cast, in case of a Spell reflect.

Ret Paladin :

Trinket : Hammer

Pet : Felhunter

General : Stay aggressive and save the CS of your pet for his heal. Don't forget to use Nether Ward asap and to fake cast. If you are enough aggressive, he should die quickly. In case of buble, try to run out of fight to heal yourself as much as possible.

Prot Paladin :

Trinket : Hammer

Pet : Felhunter

General : Nothing really different from the ret... Just try to fake cast when he'll use Avenger's Shield to avoid the interrupt.

Enhancement Shaman :

Trinket : Wolf Bash/Nova from Frost shock

Pet : Succubus

General : Good way : Charm>destro chain. Best way : Charm>he uses Tremor Totem. Best way because he'll probably use his Wolfs. When he uses them, just SF>Howl of terror. If he doesn't have his Tremor totem, it will be easy to kill him. Don't forget the Pushback of the succubus ! It could save your life !

Elemental Shaman :

Trinket : Nothing

Pet : Felhunter

General : Save you Nether Ward for the instant Lava burst, save your CS for the heals and dps him as much as possible. Just watch for Grounding Totem and kill the Tremor if you think that you need to do it.

Rogues :

Trinket : Blind/Kidney Shot

Pet : succubus

General : First of all, I want to say that Assassination/Combat rogues are pretty easy to kill. However, Sub rogues are very hard (I mean full geared rogues obviously). Actually they'll begin with SD+Synapse (or Tazik) and they'll hit you very hard. You can pushback them>charm. Now if you have time, try to take some range and use Nether Ward to avoid the damages from the poison. He'll probably trinket and finish the duel. If you have time to attack (to slow to trinket or whatever...) you must be very very very aggressive. The objective is to kill him before a Vanish or a COS, so use eveything ! You hve to chain cc him until death.

Feral Druid :

Trinket : First stun

Pet : Voidwalker

General : Begin by use Consume Shadows from your pet and just spam the CoE anti rogue macro. You'll spot the druid easily. If you spot him, the game is won ! If you don't, trinket the first stun>SF>Fear, then begin to dps. He'll probably trinket, but you had time to take some range, so he will charge you. When he uses Feral Charge, just use DC and continue to dps and to take range. Now he'll use the bear form and he'll pop his defensive cooldowns. Just Fear him and continue to dps, he should die.

Balance Druid :

Trinket : Stun (Cat form)/Root (if you are stuck in the CS area)

Pet : Felhunter

General : You can't really loose against a balance druid... Just CS Starsurge or any heal (if he try to cast one), If he uses his "pets", just SF>Howl of Terror. Just dps him and he'll have to play defensively which means a win for you.

Frost mage :

Trinket : DF/Sheep

Pet : felhunter

General : Begin by SF on the mage and his pet>bannish pet. Try to dispel his buble with your felhunter and begin to dps. If you are close to be DF'ed (I mean in a frost nova) use Nether Ward. He will have to dispel you, or you won't take a lot of damages. Try to keep his pet banned and don't be afraid to fear him. Fake cast your CB and when he use IB, just ban his pet and try to heal yourself.
Actually, frostmages are not very hard for us IF we avoid the burst.

Fire mage :

Trinket : Dragon's Breath

Pet : Felhunter

General : Fire mage are not very difficult. You can hit them easily and even if they are doing more damages since the patch 4.3, their burst is not as big as the frostmage burst. Your pet MUST be far from you to avoid the control from DB. Save your Nether Ward for a Pyroblast, because fire mages wait for the pyroblast to use Combustion. Furthermore, the pyroblast is their biggest hitter, so if the mage crit with it you will be dead in 5sec (because of the pyro and of the BIG Combustion). Save your CS for the moment when you are under a DB to avoid the pyroblast. He should die quickly, especially if you control him. (Fire mages hate Fear).

Arcane mage :

Trinket : Sheep

Pet : Felhunter

General : Very bursty game ! But not very hard... Dispel everything you can and fear him to avoid his burst. If you manage to CS him He'll die very fast.

Hunter :

Trinket : Scater/Ice trap/Pet stun (BM)

Pet : Succubus

General : Charm the hunter>fear his pet>begin to dps. Try to stay close to him to avoid a LOT OF DAMAGES and use the pushbak of your pet to make the Disengage bug. This is a very very bursty fight.

Destrolock :

Trinket : Fear/SF/DC

Pet : Felhunter

General : Your pet MUST be away from you. If he's not, he'll be cc by the SF and the Howl from the opponent >BAD.
Well, you must begin by a SF on the lock and his pet (if you are lucky)>bann the pet to avoid CS/Dispel and SL>20/25% less damages. Then begin to dps. Save your Netger Ward for the DC to avoid the healing and try to bann his pet asap. If the CS from the opponent is ready, you have to fake cast your bannish, or he'll CS you. You also have to avoid any control on your pet, that's very important. If you control him more than he controls you, you'll win easily. If you CS the fire school he won't dps you, if you CS the shadow school he won't control you or your pet.

Afflilock :

Trinket : Fear/Howl/DC

Pet : Felhunter

General : Same as destro.

Demo lock :

Trinket : Stun from pet/Fear/DC

Pet : Felhunter

General : Keep his pet banned, save all of your controls, CS, defensives cooldowns for the Demon phase. Demo lock are pretty easy when they don't use everything.

Shadow priest :

Trinket : Psychic Scream/Silence/Psychic Horror

Pet : Felhunter

General : CS Mind blast or the heals, dispel asap and run away when he's running to you to use Psychic Scream. Don't forget to fear him when he uses Dispersion and try to fear his pet to avoid damages. Shadow priest are easy to win.

EXTRA TIP : If you wan to use DC, try to use it when the opponent has no buble on him, or you won't be healed !

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