My Wishlist for Balanced Low level PvP


My quickfire way to balance the classes: So after some frustrating games, I've decided to cool off by writing out what I think needs to happen to help balance low level pvp. This should be achievable with minimal time investment by the developers.

Warlock status: Desperate. Utter garbage, no survival, no burst…..

-Voidwalkers Sacrifice trainable at level 10 (was 24 ish)

-Succubus’ seduce trainable at level 20 (was 28 ish)

-Death Coil available at level 16 (was 42)

-Summon Doomguard available at level 18 (was 58 )

Warrior status: Needs help. Good dps, but far too to easy to ‘kite’…..

-Hamstring trainable at level 10 (was 26)

-Berserker stance trainable at level 15 (was 30)

-Intercept trainable at level 15 (was 50)

Shaman status: Needs help. Too easy to ‘kite’ as enhance and ele…..

-Frostshock trainable at level 16 (was 22)

-[Enhancement talent] Ancestral Swiftness talent swapped to first tier, or changed to a 1 point talent.

-[Elemental talent] Elemental Reach given to all elemental shamans upon choosing the elemental spec. Fits into Elemental Fury. Or at least moved to first tier so can hit hunters.

Paladin status: Powerful. However, too easy to kite…..

-Hand of Freedom trainable at level 15 (was 52)

Mage status: Usable. Drops very fast, can’t do anything against a hunter…..

-Frost Armor trainable at level 18 (was 54)

Hunter status: Very powerful. Leave as is, since everything else is getting abilities to get on par with the hunter.

Rogue status: Decent. Fine as is.

Druid status: Decent…..

-Possibly make skull bash trainable at level 16.

Priest status: Decent. Leave as is.

Horde status: Underpowered. Give Horde the eyepatch quest in Stockades.

Alliance status: Overpowered. Leave as is.

PvP Status: Palli stun ---> fear aaaaaaargh! Change the pvp trinket to a 3 minute cooldown rather than the ridiculous 5 minutes it currently is. That will also make humans seem less op.

It really makes me angry how hands off Blizzard is with everything they do. And if anything, this f2p deal has reminded me why I refuse to pay Blizzard for this game. Of course I will still play f2p for a bit of fun, but it just ain't that fun when all the imbalances are stacked completely against you in certain games.
While I agree on some things (I find it odd that e.g. Warlocks don't have Sacrifice and their targetted Fear is nerfed, yet Priests have their Shields and Psychic Scream, Warriors should get Hamstring back much earlier, and making the PvP trink CD 2 minutes would make sense), in general I don't think that classes etc. should be buffed but the OP ones nerfed as you don't solve 'one-shotting' by making everybody 'one shot'.

Also, making playing characters even more OP would make PvE even more of a joke than it already is.

Not saying I didn't prefer the old Talent system - I'll trade in the LOL skills for the old utility any time of the day - or see the imbalances that having some classes have their utility (back, in case of Hunters and Disengage) and others not cause, but nerfing at worst leads to a more challenging game, and buffing to more cake-walk.
True, well the other option is to do something like simply remove hunters from the game... whoops i mean remove hunters concussive from the game until higher levels, And put a blanket damage decrease on all low level battlegrounds. But something like a blanket damage decrease would be much less likely than adding abilities here and there. Some serious changing needs to happen regardless. I would at the least like to see other classes usable. And I would rather everyone be powerful than keeping a few powerful one shotters while everyone else just sucks. It would be almost dota like if everyone was powerful... don't know if dota is considered the devil round here.

Of course I agree I would rather the few overpowered ones be nerfed.
Footman said:
True, well the other option is to do something like simply remove hunters from the game... whoops i mean remove hunters concussive from the game until higher levels, And put a blanket damage decrease on all low level battlegrounds. But something like a blanket damage decrease would be much less likely than adding abilities here and there. Some serious changing needs to happen regardless. I would at the least like to see other classes usable. And I would rather everyone be powerful than keeping a few powerful one shotters while everyone else just sucks. It would be almost dota like if everyone was powerful... don't know if dota is considered the devil round here.

Of course I agree I would rather the few overpowered ones be nerfed.

removing concussive shot would be a little extreme. Diminishing returns on concussive shot on the other hand would be nice
Eyepatch by itself is a problem just because there are too many ally hunter/rogues/druids in BGs. Balance issues aside, we need some variety in games.

Hunter dmg needs to be toned down or something. Warriors could use hamstring or some form of in-combat charge. Shamans should have instant ghost wolf without having to talent it.
Whoa, wait a sec. Warriors don't learn hamstring at low levels anymore?? What kind of crap is that?? Also I agree that ferals should get skull bash sooner. ;P Also a little longer cool down on Conc Shot and a little larger health pools to compensate for the burstyness would be nice.

Just last night I geared my alliance toon to experience the other side of the coin, and I'm really shocked. It took me 5 hours of play time to partially gear my alliance toon, and it's already stronger by far than my horde druid, who I've been working my ass off trying to gear competitively for at least a day of total play time. I managed to get an AGM and have quite a few BiS for my horde character, and it has significanly less agility than my alliance one and the same amount of HP. And my ally toon still doesn't have enchants and still has green bracers and gloves. I ain't even QQing, just sayin I see what you mean and sympathize with your frustrations.
Nope, warriors have to wait a long time before getting hamstring. Which is why all warriors go fury now for the shouting slow.. piercing howl i think. All throughout Vanilla, BC and wrath warriors had hamstring for low levels, and could eat up hunters if they got a charge in. Now with hunters scattershot, disengage, permanent concussive shot and 40 yard range for all specs, warriors (and everyone else) are left in the mud, face down. They can whack a pet though lol!

Yea I have both Alliance and Horde characters, the difference is very noticeable.
WARLOCKS ARE NO GARBAGE! as Affli Lock you have no burst you just spam everything with dots! and the survivability is okay too.... i got a SS where I did freakin 18 k dmg -.- just through dots (kay I got help with heals like 40 % of the time) but really we work as intended maybe Destro isn't like it should be.... BUT WHO THE **** CARES! :D

That you see... I'm not even BiS without imp I wouldnt even scratch the 1k HP.... and the 24 didn't change anything at the gameplay... it's the hey I got 1,3 k health 24 which even a WL could kill xD.
Horde status: Underpowered. Give Horde the eyepatch quest in Stockades.

Alliance status: Overpowered. Leave as is.

some one is jelly
Randythehero said:
Horde status: Underpowered. Give Horde the eyepatch quest in Stockades.

Alliance status: Overpowered. Leave as is.

some one is jelly

Whoa... REALLY GAWD SRSLY CANT BELIEVE IT! SHOW ME and ya i needed caps for it.
i disagree with jera.

luv these "flamin lips" goin in grp with private heal just to show; cmon l2p

there re diffs in rnd and premade bgs and 20s and 24s, in geared and skilled twinks ... it makes diffs ... everythin else is a stupid lie (for me)

anyway stay wild

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