My suggested changes.

I will probably write up an explanation of reasons for the changes and what each change will fix, however i would like some feedback before i bother posting on the WoW forums.


Disengage or Scattershot shifted to level 20

Agility needs to give less crit

Cooldown of Concussive Shot 10 seconds

All pet abilities added at level 15

Pet needs to scale more off of players Stam

Pet needs to scale less off of players AGI

Kill command damage reduced by 20%

Aimed shot damage reduced by 20%

12 second CD on Aimedshot

Explosive Shot damage reduced by 10%

Fervor moved to 2nd tier beast mastery

Sic Em changed to 1 talent point

Trap mastery changed to 1 talent point

Freezing and Immolation traps added at 15, no trap launcher till previous training levels.


Frost nova/Freeze absorbs 5x as much damage

Improved CoC moved to 3rd tier talent

Burning Speed reduced to 1 talent point

Improved arcane missiles changed to 1 talent point

Ice Flows changed to 1 point talent

Scorch level 18


Damage of all warlock spells increased by 25%

Felguard Axe Toss and Charge added at level 15

Demonic empowerment moved to 2nd tier

Aftermath 1 talent point

Siphon life changed to 1 talent point

Soul Link level 18


Duration of Hammer of Justice reduced by 1 second

Protector of innocent amount healed scales with intellect instead of level

Avengers shield 10% damage reduction

Hand of Freedom added at level 12

Last word only 1 point, however the 1 point is only worth as much as each point is currently worth

Vindication moved to 2nd tier

Pursuit of justice 1 point talent

Holy shock healing reduced by 10%

FoL healing reduced by 15%

Cleanse added at 18


Waylay 1 point talent

Deadly poison usable at level 10

Remove stealth buff

Talent Improved sprint, only 1 point

Ruthlessness 1 point talent

20% increase to all abilities

10% Reduced white damage


Entangling Roots 5x as much damage absorb

Sunfire added to 2nd tier talent

Maim added at level 16

Feral Charge 2nd tier talent

Mana cost of Regrowth Reduced by 25%

Bash level 18

Enrage level 18

Natural Shapeshifter and Naturalist merged as a 3point talent

Barkskin or Natures grasp added at 18

Remove corruption level 18

Thorns damage reduced by 25%

Thorns duration increased by 25%

Damage of rake reduced by 10%

Damage of mangle reduced by 10%

Damage of Ferocious Bite reduced by 10%

Lava Last Damage increased by 20%

Ancestral Swiftness 1 Talent point

Healing Surge at level 16

Stoneclaw totem level 12

Call of flame 1 point talent

Totemic focus 1 point talent


Psychic Scream duration scales with level up to 30

PWS Reduced shield absorption reduce by 20%

2nd tier shadow talent Devouring Plague.

Reduce damage dealt by penace by 15%


Hamstring level 16

Swap the position of Cruelty and skirmisher

Fury stance level 15

Intercept level 15

Battleshout level 15

Berserker rage level 15

Warbringer second tier talent

Tactical mastery 1 point

Disarm level 16

Pummel level 15

White damage reduced by 10%

Rage generated 10% increase

Glyphs added at level 15

BoA reduced scaling so they are roughly equilivent to a blue item with the ilvl of the character.

Remove the Spellpower off of BoA weapons, start slowly implementing them past level 60

Double the base HP(HP without gear) of all characters, this would help to offset the gap between BoA and Non BoA levelers.

Class quest for RFC added for druid, paladin, shaman awarding a choice of 3 relics.

Bring back the druid quests for forms, even though they are trainable, adds flavor to the game

Add in low level Dispells

Human racial changed to 5minute CD prior to level 80

Note all damage changes are intended to scale back up to normal by level 60.

Lots of the talent changes would affect mid-high level builds though so alot more talents would be needed to be moved for balancing at high levels.
I fucking love you for the Druid changes. Another finishing move with an interrupt stun and ANOTHER interrupt! SICK. I want an actual stealth ability though...

I like thorns the way it is.
Didn't read it all, but just wanted to say it looks like good stuff. I think this fits in with Kore's project on this subject, so you may want to compare notes with him. Also, in Blizz forum threads, I think a little civilized debate between you two (and others that can stay constructive) will make for more intriguing reading and may garner more interest from Blizz/Blues.
Yeah i posted that list into Kore's 19 changes thread a while back, but no1 replied so i thought i would try here.
cohnyn said:
Yeah i posted that list into Kore's 19 changes thread a while back, but no1 replied so i thought i would try here.

I support all of these changes 100%, although I do think a few are kind of greedy.

I wish blizz would do something like this but I dont think they care about anything but raiding anymore.
You know how much more bursty the 19 bracket would be with all pet talents, all those extra stuns, and glyphs.. This is just a bad idea.
cohnyn said:

Lava Last Damage increased by 20%

Ancestral Swiftness 1 Talent point

Healing Surge at level 16

Stoneclaw totem level 12

Glyphs added at level 15

Shaman would be broken. I would love it but it wouldn't be fair. You'd have to give up 1-2 of those 4 to still be considered balanced.

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