My Mage


Hi fellows. Im trying to start up a Horde Mage on an another server from my main, wich is ally.

Beacuse of this, I won't have acces to BoA items.

At many points I havn't picked anything, beacuse I dont know what's best, I have never played mage before :S

I wanna go CC, and don't want a 2nd set or option, beacuse I dont have alot of money.

For class I can't decide; Undead or Blood Elf, I think Undead is coolest, but I dont know wich one is best.

Head - Shadow Goggles, untill I get lucky fishing hat.

Neck - Thick Bronze Necklase.

Shoulder - Talbar Mantle.

Back - Spider Silk Drap, 5+ to all resistance.

Chest - Treebark Jacket, 4+ stats.

Bracers - Some 2/2 eagle bracers, or Crystalline Cuffs, with 9+ sta or 7+ int.

Gloves - Magefist Gloves, 10+ haste.

Belt - Keller's Girdle.

Pants - Darkweave Breaches, 24 Armor, or the pants from 'Battle of Hillsbrad'.

Shoes - Spidersilk Boots, Minor Run Speed.

#1 Ring - Seal of Sylvanas.

#2 Ring - Lavishly Jeweled Ring.

#1 Trinket - PvP trinket.

#2 Trinket - AGM.

1h wep choise - Dawnblade, 22 Int, + Furbolg Medecine Pouch.

2h Regen wep choise - Staff of the Friar, 21 Spi.

For proffesions I have picked, Herbalism and Engineering untill i get fishing hat, then Ill take Skinning or Minning.

And ofc. Fishing and First Aid.

For talents I can't decide, realy need help here, and also for glyphs D:

Thank you for reading, please comment :D
You can't really go wrong with BE or Undead, both racials are pretty amazing. I would probably say go Undead if you play on doing mostly WSG and go BE if you plan on doing arena more.

Your gear is pretty much correct. The only things I would tell you to consider are Green-Tinted Goggles, you'll have enough mana the way things are and stam will become the more important stat. For the same reason you should use 4stam bracers with 9stam on them.

For talents, 2/3 Frostbite, 5/5 Imp. Frostbolt, 3/3 Permafrost (I can go into more detail on why if you need it).

Glyphs should be Glyph of Polymorph and Glyph of Slowfall.
Green Tinted Goggles for sure

10 shadow resist to cloak IMO, it's much more useful than fire/frost/nature/arcane resist since shadow damage is usually instant and contains fears.

4 stam green bracers +9 stamina IMO. if you really want mana you can always get mindthrust bracers. there isn't much right or wrong as long as you get the 4 stats you desire in any case :p

Darkweave Britches +40 armor. yes, you can apply 40 armor to 19 pants.
C00l thanks guys!

Ertai I have been looking on the Talents, and I almost agree with you, I would just set 3/3 Frostbite and 2/3 Permafrost, beacuse the 5% more chance to freeze instead of 1 sec more slow and something else.

And WOW I havn't seen the Polymorph glyph before now, before that, I was looking for Glyph of Frost Nova. But I will pick Poly glyph, beacuse Frost Nova is more for Arena. THANKS :D
Thank you White, but I'm going to make a Horde wich will have some items that Ally player dont have acces to, and Ally have acces to some items wich Horde dont have acces to. But I'll use it as much as I can, thanks.
forget shadow resist, go for +15 nature resist. uhh hunters(serpents sting)/shamans(everything)?
Ok thanks, but LJR get me up on 6/7 hit rating, and 6 int, while SPR get's me on 8/7 and nothing else?

Ok I've changed the Charlev char a little after what u said, try this.

I thought that AGM and Lucky Fishing hat would take a while to get, so I choosed a substitusion, hope you like it.
Get shadow resist or 70 armor on cloak

(I'm making a mage too)
Yeah 10 shadow resist, (though I have 5 resist all). Natue resist is... meh. A fear at the right time is much more gamebreaking than a serpent sting ticking away. Honestly, there arent enough good twink shaman around to necessitate 15 nature. I like mindthrust bracers... if you dont get those, get eagle bracers imo. Midthrust rules in arena for me anyways.
5 all resist is very nice for WSG play, etc. I have cloaks with each though (shadow, nature, +5 all, +70 armor)
Rofan said:
5 all resist is very nice for WSG play, etc. I have cloaks with each though (shadow, nature, +5 all, +70 armor)

Personally i like 70 armor, but if your going for resist as I already said +10 shadow is the best so you can avoid all those pesky fears.
Cool, I think 10+ shadow resistance is the right thing for :) Hate fear spamming locks :(

I would maybe take Mindthrust if it comes cheap to me, remember this is going to be a rerolled twink with no main helping it, only a new started DK :S

but if I choose Mindthrust instead of Eagle 2/2 I will loose 3 sta but get 7 Int. And as u can see on the Charlev char, I need Sta more than Int, so I will think about that. Thank you anyway xD
Maybe...but 2 spi and 4 SP doesnt do much, but neither do 2 sta ofc....

I'll try it thanks.

I have another question actually.

In 3.2 will it then be easier to accure AGM? Or will AGM get better?

Just heard someone said something like that.
Seems to be a hazzle about cloak enchants/resist.

From my experience as playing a warlock, I find undeads very annoying. Im hit capped, but those extra 2% on a undead is just... grrr.. So if you are rolling with a class with 2% less chance to be hit by shadow I would roll with +10 shadow resist and gravestone scepter to hit a 15 shadow resistance.

Since cloak enchants are somewhat "meeh" anyways, why not take a look at your racials and get the best out of it? That way, your cloak enchant will matter.

2% reduced chance to be hit with shadow spells and 15 shadow resistance will make you resist alot of fears.

Edit: Also, this is my idea for a CC mage I got in the proccess of leveling. This is how I will look a few days after I ding 19, then I'll start grinding for furbolg medicine pouch.

I could get BoAs but I quit playing my main all along. It's just no fun.
Batgnom said:
Maybe...but 2 spi and 4 SP doesnt do much, but neither do 2 sta ofc....

I'll try it thanks.

I have another question actually.

In 3.2 will it then be easier to accure AGM? Or will AGM get better?

Just heard someone said something like that.

For CC spell power is useless

And AGM will still be just as difficult to acquire.

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