My first arenas EVAH.

SiD Vicious

Stupid post, but I'm excited! A recent feral friend I met has been duelling with me and queueing for BG's with me. Tonight he invited me for 2's and to try my first ever arena.

First match went VERY badly. He told me to target the pally, and so I tried. I tabbed and it hit the warrior first. They demolished us. >.<

HOWEVER, we queued again, and this time we were up against a pally Shaman team. With his advice we destroyed the shaman and then went for the paladin. He put up a bit of a fight, until I finally got the clue to use my CC abilities on his heals. Round three put us against the same team, and this time there was no effort. I slayed the shaman, and then the pally when my buddy got CCed.


So happy to have a 2-1 record atm. Hopefully I'll increase that with some more practice and effort.

Sorry, dumb post, but I'm pumped! >: )
this post reminds me of a certain video



Kidding ofc, nice that u have found fun in arena.

Arena/RBG's are 10x more addictive then PVE, at least for me
Arena is fun but unless you have a razor naga or whatever, you might want kick on something more accessible.
Camael said:
Glad that someone had fun, plus, rogue - feral is some good fun, just as double rogue but with a perhaps higer % of succes rate.

haha that's awesome :D Can't wait to do more.

Zorglub said:
this post reminds me of a certain video


Kidding ofc, nice that u have found fun in arena.

Arena/RBG's are 10x more addictive then PVE, at least for me

LOL Epic vid... I'm messed up in the noggin' so I'd totally be like that. Maybe. Just a lil'! Yeah, PvE gets old after a while. lol

Shermaan said:
Arena is fun but unless you have a razor naga or whatever, you might want kick on something more accessible.

I'm rockin the naga, lycosa keyboard and vespula mouspad now. I actually picked up a naga to help myself ween out of clicking (which has worked AMAZINGLY) so pvp is much more fun and reactive. Don't get it- No issues in FPS games or anyhting, yet WoW, I found keybinds a pain in the rear.

Much easier with buttons at my thumb's reach with the odd couple near the wasd keys :)
ohh so thats how im suppose to look at myself in the mirror... with me its usually the other way :(
dartofblue said:
but if i was to make a random post about my 10000th arena nobody would care :(

have fun in arena :)

Depends, i'm sure a lot of people would be interested, perhaps new people to 70's video tutorial perhaps, which i will be doing very soon.

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