My 29 holy pally


Hey guys,

I am in the process of makin a holy pally and i just wanted your input on how he is turning out. Here is his armory link The World of Warcraft Armory I am planing on getting him Dead mans hand and arena grand master.

thx alot,

Hello! I don't know much about holy pallies, so someone else may have advice about the gloves and bracers. That said, everything looks very good to me. As a couple of nitpicks, you might consider the [ITEM]6319[/ITEM] for the waist, since you trade only 2 armor to get +2 INT, and a [ITEM]12019[/ITEM] of the Eagle (either 4/5 or 5/4), since I don't think spirit makes much of a difference for pally mana regen.

Have fun!

Okay, here we go:

Depending on how you feel about your current healt pool, consider Whisperwind Headdress, Holy Shroud, a +15 BoE mail helm, or the engi helm.

Neck should indeed be a erulean Talisman of the Eagle, but if you cant find a one a River pride choker works a little better too, replacing some of the stam you'll lose from chainging your helm.

Cloak enchant - I recommend +10 SR.

Bracers are fine, but I prefer [item]Spidertank Oilrag[/item] with +15 sp. You lose 2 stam and some armor but gain 3 mp5.

Gloves should be a +13 mail or leather or cloth (till you get higher ac class ones) BoE with +16 sp. 7/7 eagle gloves work as well.

Belt should be Girdle, if you need the mana [item]moss cinch[/item], a +13 leather belt, a +12 mail belt, or a 7/7 eagle mail belt.

Boots should be Defilers with 7 stam, [item]Gnomebot Operating Boots[/item] with +7 stam or runspeed and another pair with +spirit, and a +11 stam with +7 stam on them for debuff FCing :D Spidersilk arent *bad*, however I'd still go with runspeed.

Trinkets: Get some other trinket to fill the AGM spot while you farm arena. A BoA would be ideal, but an AB shield trinket is useful as well.

Get a Zealot Blade with +22 int to start fights with, if you are at all concerned about mana.

Get a +7 sp shield with vitality to switch to once you're down a bit of hp, or desperately need the healing output.
Your gear seems a bit mixed holy/ret. The helm is perfect for a ret pally for example. The wisperwind would be better for you. You have access to the BoAs, so you definitely want to get your hands on the healing mace (with 30sp). And the shield you need is the one from the quest in RFK, the marbled buckler, (with 18 stam enchant I think). Hell, enchanted, the shield alone will give you more stam then the 2-hander you are currently weilding, in addition to a host of other valuable stats, and all the sp from the BoA mace.

Ag's clutch isnt so good, since you really dont need spirit, but I guess that is just a place holder for DMH. A better place holder would be charged gear of the eagle, or int, or mana regen, by far though. In fact, if you get the BoA mace, you will have waaaay more sp, and can prob drop the pvp ring in favor of the charged gear.
Dont drop the PvP ring. Theres no such thing as too much SP, or too much Mp5, only too much stam or int.

I think he was just screwing around with lvling 2h mace skill or something; when I looked at his armory he had Crescent(40 SP) + Marbled (+18 Stam)

Crescent is really close to the BoA mace in terms of healing throughput, so Id worry about BoA items for other twinks before getting the BoA mace. If you have other twinks, that is.

I currently have 4 toons sharing a mace. Sucks :(

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