
Anyone play? Came out today!!
Buying mine on my way back home after class tonight
for Xbox obviously

Aiming for atleast around lvl mid 20s and top 100,000 in Kills

Been a CoD supporter since CoD2
I lived to see the day were quick scoping didnt exist ;P
I got it at the midnight release and played it for 10hours.

Heres a tip,you have to get the first shot off, otherwise your dead.

There are not that many game times as of right now.

Noobtubes can land 3feet away from you and not kill you *yay*.

Pretty fun game as of right now.

Edit. Snipers! The barret 50cal's hipfire is firing straight, so watch out for this. As well, quickscoping has returned!
I havent had the chance to play MW3 yet but Bf3 did not impress me in the beta now I know they improve by a lot fomr beta to release but still I wouldve much rather played MW2 over Bf3
I got both BF3 and MW3. They're both good...but I'm more used to CoD gameplay than BF so I personally like MW3 a bit more atm.

cod is such an arcade style shooter. so boring, so lame

bf3 is a lot more fun, its more difficult and tactics are actually useful. oh and weapons are a lot more balanced.....unlike say, the knife in cod

bf3 beta was amazing other than server issues sometimes. made me love operation metro and rush, before that i mainly did cq and tdm
made me love operation metro and rush, before that i mainly did cq and tdm

metro is fucking gay on conquest, both sides just spam m320 and rpg's up and down the stairs near ticket hall and the US team NEVER wins because nobody wants to push through with smoke nades
metro is fucking gay on conquest, both sides just spam m320 and rpg's up and down the stairs near ticket hall and the US team NEVER wins because nobody wants to push through with smoke nades

dude i love cq on metro. such a fierce battle over the ticket hall, but once you take that over its pretty much wrapped up and you just push them back to the last point and farm. but im really at home in a jet, be it on firestorm, caspian or karg...i have to work on mastering helis tho, those have so much potential if youre good in them

mw3 is so bad looking. crap maps, no vehicles, imba weps, weird ass kill streak "classes"....honestly a step down from mw2 or even black ops in terms of multiplayer imo
it's boss once you get comfy with low flying on the different maps to dodge heatseekers and soflam, need ecm jammer/ir flares/stealth though, so gunner factors in too

I can't fly jets, but god damn it's fun to hunt them, cat&mouse gameplay aww yeaaaaaah

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