Music Help

Hey guys,

I am shooting the Wuv does Level 10 movie as we speak, and I need 2 tracks to go into it. People really liked the music from my first video, but didn't like the music from my second, so I am taking suggestions and asking for help on this one.

I need stuff that is fast with fun lyrics, but not so overblown that it ruins the clips.

If you can please link the youtube or a way for me to get at the music, that would help.

Thanks guys :)
Start with Seven Nation Army. Then break into Tears Don't Fall!!!

I will love you forever.


Only song you need

7 nation army, then Tears dont fall.

If not TDF, then [video=youtube;2B-boB9syEs][/video]

The music video is really gay. But the song is good.

the video is just a picture with lyrics, but the song's pretty dayum fine

or dis

Only song you will ever need. Ever.



Oh and Put some slim thug in there or ABN =D
Any song can fit into any PVP video, given the circumstances.
Tamkosch from Algeria

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no rap!




(takes like 15 sec to start properly)

Pendulum is always good too.... but hold your colour/spiral is alwas overused

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