Most $$ for a Shadofang?

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What's the Highest you ever paid/sold one for?
Eeek. I wouldn't pay over 6k. I've already got one, I'm just waiting on my lucky AH find so I can dual wield them.
I paid a few xfer fees to get 2 shadowfangs recently. 1 for a contest here and the other for my warlock... just because. :)
just got one off the blackrock horde AH for 1.3k.

lucky find
I think mine was 75-150g?
Mazurati said:

that burns. i paid 4k for my first, 2k for the second, all on my home server.
First one 200g, second one 40g. Sold first one for 4.5k, second one is on my banned toon.
never bought an SF... but it runs 5k on my server when they are on ! they sell not well though at that much. 2.5k or 3k is probably what people are willing to pay for it.

2.2k + 3/3's
I've had 9 bound to my account, the most i've paid for one is 600g.

The least i've sold one to was to blackout for 50g and this is the most I've sold one for was 20k
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