Duckhunt said:
- [ITEM]Silverwing Battle Tabard[/ITEM] - [ITEM]Warsong Battle Tabard[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Kurenai Tabard[/ITEM] - [ITEM]Mag'har Tabard[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Sporeggar Tabard[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of the Explorer[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Guild Tabard[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of the Kirin Tor[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Skyguard Tabard[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Competitor's Tabard[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of the Void[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of the Defender[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of the Arcane[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of Nature[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of Fury[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of Frost[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of Flame[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of Brilliance[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of the Shattered Sun[/ITEM]
- [ITEM]Tabard of the Hand[/ITEM] (No version for horde)
- [ITEM]Private's Tabard[/ITEM] - [ITEM]Scout's Tabard[/ITEM]
That's all of the tabards that the most 19 could ever have. If you're lucky and have a GM delevel you, might be able to get [ITEM]Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade[/ITEM].
Which makes me wonder, if you do a faction change will you get credited for all of the "new" tabards you will obtain? If so, it might be possible to get close to [ITEM]Tabard of the Achiever[/ITEM]!
Edit: I know if switches tabards automatically, but did anyone check their tabard achievement before and after?
^^ Put this in first box as it seems relevant
Thanks Duckhunt