More OP fishing items?

You can turn in the Shark from the Kaluak fishing derby Better Luck Next Time for a chance to get Weather beaten fishing hat AND recieve Kaluak rep, is it theoretically possible to get this? [item]Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole[/item]. Looks like reputation gain is 5000 for the winner and 150 for simply turning it in. It would be a long ass grind probably longest in the twinking community because you aren't garunteed a black tip shark every saturday. I think it's possible but you'd probably get the Bone fishing pole or the hat before you ever got to exalted.

Are there any other ways to get rep with Kaluak?
Well, I'm too damn lazy to fish for the regular hat on all my chars besides the rogue who I already got it for... Do you honestly expect me to try for some shark thingy?

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