MoP Thoughts (Rogues)


I am betting most really good rogues are going to quit playing that class in MoP? Thoughts? From what I can tell, every class is improved but rogues are the only class getting nerfed. Or should I say, every class is improved in mobility. Rogues are useless in MoP from what I can gather based off of changes and talents. I am up set about it atm. I am going to miss the SS and offensiveness of a rogue. So treasure the time we got now, rogues, wont see it again until blizz changes it, or not.

What do you mean they are useless in mop?
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Not warriors :( Unless you count charge which is basically the equivalent of stealth if you mean you get at least 1 GCD on your opponent :(
It is yet a bit early to grow misty-eyed over class changes. Wait and see what happens - they are still fiddling with ability levels.
It is yet a bit early to grow misty-eyed over class changes. Wait and see what happens - they are still fiddling with ability levels.

^^ - I dont know how many times is has been said, but nothing is permanent. They will still change stuff here and there.

On rogue note - I don't think they will be useless. The ones that are good will stay as a rogue and adapted to the chances and hopefully reduce the amount of rogues.
imo blizz is over reacting to all the QQ on rogues in leveling BGs.

i see the whining in BG chat as i recently leveled 2 players to 19. player will have 2-3 dots on them, other players shooting or pounding them and all they QQ about is when the rogue ShS them and wipes their remaining HP on a ambush, then saying they were 1 shot by a rogue, it's all they notice and all they QQ about to blizz

research complaints on rogues and you will see tons on wow forums

monks are coming into game with a fleet of movement and attack slows, druids will have 3 slows built into 3 attacks, hunters only lose wingclip but gain a choice set of level 15 talents to choose from, mages aren't losing any slows/snares

wait and see what happens imo is a bad thing to do if you have built up 1 rogue with SFs or 2 rogues with SFs for win faction rolling. if you do the later MOP changes of course don't matter to you since you AFK and switch log to other faction and get carried by which ever side is better stacked and winning.

rogues losing ShS is one thing, but also losing gouge and sprint...really those are vanilla wow basic talents, yet other classes in 19 bracket now have abilities that weren't seen until level 49+ brackets. mage pet, infected wound slows, etc etc,

2 attacks from stealth won't dent many classes and they get a free kite kill on rogue, all low level rogues all the way to level 34 = free kill

rogues good or not the majority will vanish (not a pun play) as they did in WOTLK and wait for next expansion. in WOTLK rogues were rather gimped and outclassed in talents and worthless glyphs compared to other classes.

majority of premades in WOTLK did not use rogues, because they had to spend too much time in stealth which was slower to set up for opening garrotes and ambushes. once they opened, they where easily destroyed by warriors, hunters, enh-shaman, etc.....and they had sprint and gouge

in a post pizza made back in that era basicly said they were a liability when it came to premades
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Rogues will probably end up being what Fury Warriors, and to a certain extent Ret Paladins, are currently; mad burst glasscannons.

Except you'll be able to get across mid without fear of being tunnel visioned by hunters, and will have Sap.

Sounds fine to me.
If I play this game when MOP drops, I'll still play my rogue. I've always been a rogue, I don't know anything else.
Rogues will probably end up being what Fury Warriors, and to a certain extent Ret Paladins, are currently; mad burst glasscannons.

Except you'll be able to get across mid without fear of being tunnel visioned by hunters, and will have Sap.

Sounds fine to me.

Except fury warriors have piercing howl (and charge if their enemy lets them get out of combat) and ret pallies have HoJ. These both help ToT alot...rogues will have nothing.

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