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Which will be the better performer in MoP? Im not sure if anyone has had the time or resources to test this on beta, but if anybody knows please share.
Both will always be viable, genius.
Obviously you can, by comparing how well they perform in their respective role.sigh comparing ret to holy is like yeah not the best idea
could compare a holy pala to a priest or a ret pala to a warr
but yeah they have different roles so
Holy, simply because you run at 140% movement speed at all times.
sigh comparing ret to holy is like yeah not the best idea
could compare a holy pala to a priest or a ret pala to a warr
but yeah they have different roles so
Constant 140% movement speed (Persuit of Justice) is simply better than 145% for 3 seconds every 6 seconds (Long Arm of the Law). And since you want to use your holy power as ret you can't effectively use PoJ.rets will also get a descent speed ability. Judgment your way to safety ftw.
Obviously you can, by comparing how well they perform in their respective role.
140%? Am I missing something?