MoP Hunter Nerf Myth


Hunters are going to be unstoppable in MoP.

I keep hearing how they are going to be nerfed. This seems highly mistaken. The reason is that hunters have amazing DPS at this level. The myth seems to be based around the fact that they will not be able to slow anymore. BUT the only reason they need to slow now is because their ranged shots do not work in melee range--and that is changing in MoP.

As a rogue, druid, warrior, mage, and priest (the classes I play) the only chance you currently have agaisnt a hunter is getting into melee range and getting away from his OP DPS. But if the motherfucker can hit you just as hard in melee as at range, you are truely fucked.

Add to this the fact that he can still scatter (get in a few shot at range) and disengage (get in a few shots) and hit you before you get into range (get in a few shots) and I see hunters as being more OP than ever.

I understand that for roges, druids and warriors the other reason you want to get into range is to do your own DPS. And for this reason, mages and priests are particularlly fucked (the get almost nothing from the slow nerf). But hunters' DPS is insanely high. I'd guess at least as high as rogue and warrior DPS. The nerf to concuss and wingclip is MORE than made up for by the fact they can now shot in melee, and so they will in fact be more OP than ever in MoP.

My own conspiracy theory is that someone on the Bliz dev team plays a 19 hunter and that is why they get so many tricks and high DPS at so low a level. lol
Let people dream...

but seriously, the only reason why people assumed hunters were getting nerfed because they were loosing a few things like concussive shot, melee weps and that 15% stam bonus to survival.

if you look at the current hunter talents/ abilities here, you can see that almost nothing is changing except a decent buff to disengage as well as the things i mentioned earlier. But since beta is still in the infant phase, there is still a chance hunters could go either way, all we can do as Kale would say is to wait and see
Good point about the stam nerf. I forgot about that.

I thought all classes were getting a similar nerf to dmg, but it was being made up for with weapons. If the below is true then awesome!

Their damage is being reduced. Blizz is changing the way their damage scales and I've seen predictions that they'll do up to half as much damage as they currently do. I think the melee range shooting is a definite buff, but losing (half of?) their insane output should even it up a bit.

Or at least, I hope so.
..except you're forgetting the whole dodge/parry/hit changes that are quite simply a large hunter nerf. i'm not saying they'll be nerfed to lousyness, i think their damage will still be towards that top of all classes. The whole no-dead-zone thing is a buff for bad hunters imo, but it'll have little effect on good hunters.
rsq---this page -> Dev Watercooler

Dodge alone is an 18% damage reduction across the board for frontal assaults from Hunters.
Rogues, Pallies, and Warriors will be able to Parry Hunter attacks which gives them another 13% damage reduction against Hunters.

Also, Hunters loose the ability to Parry so that means they get an additional 13%.

The Dodge/Hit/Parry changes for Hunters:
- 18% to 31% outgoing frontal damage
+ 13% incoming frontal Melee damage

yeah,yeah, it all applies only to frontal damage, but that's when it counts imo.

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I would consider loss of concussive shot a huge nerf. Not only have many other ranged classes surpassed them dmg wise with the coming of MoP, but melee classes that are kiteable now, such as rets and warriors will have an easy time blowing up a hunter if they can just sit on them. In my opinion both of these classes on live and in MoP DO more dmg than a hunter, their ToT is just crap.
Let people dream...

but seriously, the only reason why people assumed hunters were getting nerfed because they were loosing a few things like concussive shot, melee weps and that 15% stam bonus to survival.

if you look at the current hunter talents/ abilities here, you can see that almost nothing is changing except a decent buff to disengage as well as the things i mentioned earlier. But since beta is still in the infant phase, there is still a chance hunters could go either way, all we can do as Kale would say is to wait and see
Was looking at arcane shot and steady shot, both had their dmg reduced by 50%. Kill command is also BM only.
Was looking at arcane shot and steady shot, both had their dmg reduced by 50%. Kill command is also BM only.
The changes I saw looked like all specs had KC, but BMs KC had a 25 yard range or something

Edit: Went to go look. You're right. It is now Beast Mastery only, I guess it was a talent calculator mixup or something. It does however have a 25 yard range though :]
Key damaging ability from a hunter now can be done from 25 yards. That's OP. But all around, every class has been nerfed in some way, except druids lol.

Saw a video of a 19 twink feral hit a 1.2k lacerate in bear
Hunter DPS is around 180, 220 if constant crits. If they nerf it by 50% which would be impossible because steady shot and arcane shot aren't even in a good hunters rotation then their DPS is still higher than melee classes.

If explosive shot is also gets nerfed then the guaranteed 60% crit on aimed shot from MM which isn't possible to have in cata will make MM the best hunter spec in MoP. Hunters will still be overpowered, every other class just won't be as useless against them.
Hunter DPS is around 180, 220 if constant crits. If they nerf it by 50% which would be impossible because steady shot and arcane shot aren't even in a good hunters rotation then their DPS is still higher than melee classes.

If explosive shot is also gets nerfed then the guaranteed 60% crit on aimed shot from MM which isn't possible to have in cata will make MM the best hunter spec in MoP. Hunters will still be overpowered, every other class just won't be as useless against them.

3.4 sec cast time = op?

And ofc good hunters use arcane shot, that's like saying good mages don't frostbolt.

The reason Hunters would be getting nerfed in MoP wouldn't be because they do less damage, but because other classes would get more ToT. I say would because conc is back in the wowhead talent calc.
Key damaging ability from a hunter now can be done from 25 yards. That's OP. But all around, every class has been nerfed in some way, except druids lol.

Saw a video of a 19 twink feral hit a 1.2k lacerate in bear

Exactly why I am gearing my balance druid. Dat boomkin form waddup!
There are going to be millions of undergeared druids now.
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Key damaging ability from a hunter now can be done from 25 yards. That's OP. But all around, every class has been nerfed in some way, except druids lol.

Saw a video of a 19 twink feral hit a 1.2k lacerate in bear

Lacerate did get *fixed* in a recent build, so yes, druids are getting toned down as well.
I can't wait for the hunter damage nerf then all of the retards that crutch on hunter and think that they're good will realize how stupidly op their damage was and that they didn't have any skill.

But that is assuming they have a brain.....
hunters arent that good against rogues and feral druids, and other classes can kill them. but forget about hunters tbh, have you seen the druid calc? feral druids and rogues are gonna be the most OP. ^-^
And ofc good hunters use arcane shot

Good hunters DON'T use arcane shot. Spam casting Steady shot with explosive shot on cooldown and weaving serpent sting is the best DPS you can do in PvE/PvP/Duels/Arena/Not being a retard. Explosive shot only has to crit once in 3 ticks to do more damage than a crit kill command as BM.

Any hunter not using arcane shot solely as a focus dump on low health healers is a noob facerolling their keyboard.
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