Monk Twink Question - 10 or 11?


New Member
As the title states, I see most Mistweaver Monk twinks are level 10, but a few showcased on the armory are 11. I went ahead and went to 11 (without going over the 25% XP threshold) because I figured why not get a little extra stats from the level. I also got an epic proc on her Swamprunner's Boots, so now I REALLY don't want to restart her. Am I gimping myself in some big way or is it totally fine?
You're not gimping yourself.

The only question is what happens with the next stat or level squish. There's currently no real reason to go to 11 as a MW monk because you get absoultely nothing talent-wise. Yes, you do gain better stats from ilvl 60 (vs 56) drops. You also get the Path to Serenity.

What changes Blizzard makes is a constant risk to any twink, regardless of level. The 10 scaling at <11.25 might go away, for example. I wouldn't stress too much about it.
You're not gimping yourself.

The only question is what happens with the next stat or level squish. There's currently no real reason to go to 11 as a MW monk because you get absoultely nothing talent-wise. Yes, you do gain better stats from ilvl 60 (vs 56) drops. You also get the Path to Serenity.

What changes Blizzard makes is a constant risk to any twink, regardless of level. The 10 scaling at <11.25 might go away, for example. I wouldn't stress too much about it.
Thanks for the info! I'll just go ahead and twink her and whatever the future brings, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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