Monk Info


*Just as a disclaimer I am not yet in the beta, all info I post is just from what i have read on various WoW info sites!*

Some of this info may be obvious but some people may not know (as i have seen numerous posts on beta threads asking about monk spells)

General Spells:

Level 1
Costs: 6% base mana (haven't found energy conversion)
Does X damage and generates 1 chi

Stance of the Fierce Tiger
Level 1
Increases damage by 20%

Tiger Palm
Level 3
Costs: 1 Chi
Attack with the palm of your hand dealing X damage, damage is increased if the target is above 50% HP

Level 5
Costs: 50 energy
Roll a short distance

Blackout Kick
Level 7
Costs: 2 Chi
Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing X physical damage. Only usable if the target is at or below 35% health. If the target dies from Blackout Kick, 1 Chi is refunded.

Level 14
You mock the target, causing them to rush to attack you at 50% increased speed

Level 18
Costs: 4% base many (energy?)
10 second cast
Restore a dead target to life with 35% health and mana, not usable in combat.


Stance of the Sturdy Ox
Level 10
Reduces damage taken by 20% and increases your chance to Stagger by 25%
(Stagger: you shrug off enemy attacks taking 50% damage instantly and another 50% over 9 seconds)

Dizzying Haze
Level 10
Costs: 40 energy
You hurl a keg of your finest brew, reducing the movement speed of all enemies within 8 yards by 15%. Affected targets have a 3% chance for their attacks to misfire and strike themselves for X damage, stacks up to 3 times.

Breath of Fire
Level 18
Costs: 2 Chi
Breathe fire onto the target dealing X damage, damage is increased by the number of Dizzying Haze stacks on the target.


Stance of the Wise Serpent
Level 10
Increases healing by 20% and converts your energy resource to Mana. All abilities that cost energy will now cost Mana.

Soothing Mists
Level 18
Costs: X mana, and X mana over time
Heals X health over 7.8 seconds. If Soothing Mists is fully effective, you have a 25% chance to generate 1 Chi.

Chi Wave
Level 18
Costs: 2 Chi
Instant (15 second CD)
You cause a wave of Chi energy to flow through friend and foe, dealing X damage or X healing, Bounces up to 5 times to targets within 15 yards


Fists of Fury
Level 10
Costs: 3 Chi
Channeled (45 second CD)
Pummel all targets in front of you with rapid hand strikes, stunning them and dealing X damage every 1 second for 3 seconds.

Flying Serpent Kick
Level 18
25 second cooldown
Soar through the air forwards at an increased speed. While traveling, use Flying Serpent Kick again to land dealing X damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and slowing their movement speed by 70% for 4 seconds.

Well that is all I have found from my readings online. Anyone with more/different info feel free to add to it or change anything etc. Hopefully some people find some good out of this. Happy twinking

Flying Serpent Kick
Level 18
25 second cooldown
Soar through the air forwards at an increased speed. While traveling, use Flying Serpent Kick again to land dealing X damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and slowing their movement speed by 70% for 4 seconds.

This seems pretty ridiculous to me.
Dizzying Haze also looks pretty OP... 45% AoE snare that can be reapplied, and 9/10% chance for enemies' attacks to do nothing and hurt themselves.
Dizzying Haze also looks pretty OP... 45% AoE snare that can be reapplied, and 9/10% chance for enemies' attacks to do nothing and hurt themselves.

I would love to see a MM hunter cast aimed shot and get oneshotted for 1,5k by himself xD

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