mongoose ench or tazic shocker at 19...patch 5.4?

5.4 PTR Coming Soon! - World of Warcraft


- All permanent item enhancements provided by Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and various vendors and quests are now able to be applied to items of any level. This means all enchantments can now be applied to heirloom items.

-- High level enhancements applied to items equipped by low level players have their power scaled down to be similar to enhancements intended for that level range.
-- Low level enhancements applied to items equipped by high level players do not grow further in power beyond their intended level range.

mongoose procs rather high 120agi vs wpn enchants from BC (20agi) and WOTLK (26agi) . curious what it would be vs 15 agi.

coming to think of it 15 agi to weapon, along with other enchants we use in 19's will more then likely get scaled down. because many of the enchants we use are considered level-45 to 60+
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I'm pretty sure this is only for proffesion enchants.. Such as Inscription shoulder enchant, tailoring legs/back, Leatherworking legs.. etc.
I'm pretty sure this is only for proffesion enchants.. Such as Inscription shoulder enchant, tailoring legs/back, Leatherworking legs.. etc.

Will still be interesting nonetheless, and it will probably be buggy as hell to start with, doubt they'll have scaled all the 70 shoulder enchants for example, also it seems like everyone will have to go and get the kaluak ring now
Will still be interesting nonetheless, and it will probably be buggy as hell to start with, doubt they'll have scaled all the 70 shoulder enchants for example, also it seems like everyone will have to go and get the kaluak ring now

Idd it will be interesting, and I would even welcome that all enchants become available for lowlevels, on the premise that they all scaled accordingly (which they wouldnt) .. But i would love some more diversity ^^
I'm pretty sure this is only for proffesion enchants.. Such as Inscription shoulder enchant, tailoring legs/back, Leatherworking legs.. etc.

it also says "vendors and quests" along with them saying 'all"

All permanent item enhancements provided by Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring, and various vendors and quests are now able to be applied to items of any level. This means all enchantments can now be applied to heirloom items.

ones that are profession specific will probably work as they do now and/or will require your low level to be same prof. such as:

- BOA ring enchant will scale down, but low level must be a enchanter
- eng cloak tinkers "..................................................................... " engineer
Does it mean we have to get a main with every profession in order to get all of these? Or can we get other people to enchant this?
I cant help but believe this to be a huge game changing for twinks, Enchants scaling for appropriate lvl, Maybe I am cynical but this could take enchants we have today and gimp them greatly. Even old world enchants were intended for lvl 60 characters, not lvl 19.....if they do lvl scaling it will be interesting to see which way they take this. Also on a side note, looks like they are keeping the Boomkins as strong but taking some of their defense and the ability to keep up the damage for a long peroid of time, would be interesting to see how much farther they are taking it
I don't see it being game changing, since any change will affect all classes.
I am 100% for this and really look forward to messing around with the different sets and (hopefully) all the new viable enchants the come from it. Stats will likely be scaled down on non heirloom gear enchants as well, but with this happening to everyone and will lower numbers across the board. If anything this will make 19s look more like ftp player's stats, which may bring more new/old players to the bracket.

This may even make other professions viable instead of the standard herbalism + skinning/eng/mining.
Nax shoulder return?

Vendor shoulder enchantments from reps will be much stronger :p Still could use naxx for swag i guess.

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