EU Misguided Illusions


best player europe
< Misguided Illusions >

Outland Alliance

is a social 19 twink guild! For those twinks who are never done on their twink whether that be achievement/transmog farming , fishing, questing, and/or world pvp. The idea behind this is to have a guild for twinks who always push for more and to take pride in their character in terms of max professions, all transmogs, loads of hks.

English Speaking.
Good Mic.
Activity ( unless holiday, ban etc and GM/Co-GM must be notified ).
Best in Slot ( for both ilvl and world pvp ).

To create an environment for all 19 twinks, both Social and Elitist.
To encourage people to be more positive in this bracket.
Help everyone to realize their maximum potential.

Guild Rules :
1) No emote spamming on casual players, only to players who exploit and do otherwise disgusting things.
2) No Goblin Gliders in Warsong Gulch.
3) Every class must carry Runecloth Bandages and have 225 in first Aid.
4) No Lag Macro, exploiting jumps, hacks, glitches or otherwise is permitted in guild.
5) No form of harassment allowed by any means.
6) All opinions to be respected.
7) No caps lock spamming in Guild chat BG chat or any chat.
8) No sitting on GY, farming with flag.

We hope to do war games on 2 nights a week ( Arena during the week, BG during Weekend ).
We have an 'elitist' rank for those players who will represent the guild ( in competitive guild vs guild game play ) and those who have proven themselves at both endgame and 19s.
The guild itself is not an elitist guild and will accept all BiS twinks ( will limit Survival hunters ).
Asterias#21132 - GM battletag.

Feel free to add me to apply or send me a message on here.

Best in Slot ( for both ilvl and world pvp )

To create an environment for all 19 twinks, both Social and Elitist
Social twinks who dont really care and are just happy to play.
Elitist twinks who play to be the best and are obviously good players.
BiS for ilvl and world pvp is quite self explanatory.
Social twinks who dont really care and are just happy to play.
Elitist twinks who play to be the best and are obviously good players.
BiS for ilvl and world pvp is quite self explanatory.
I wasn't asking you to clarify the rules. Just pointing out the obvious hypocrisy in the two lines I quoted.
Been getting a lot of messages asking about why I banned goblin gliders -
Basically, if you're a Druid and you get kicked and spammed slow with pistol shot, being ' outplayed ' if you wanna call it that, and have the advantage of goblin glidering so you can heal up. Hence why I said WSG, because in AB and EOTS without mounts I feel it's necessary.
Also speed pots are banned also but I'm a little bit more liberal on this issue mainly because my friend solo queued disc yday vs three survival hunters. Obviously they can spam slow and priests have no mobility so I allowed them in this situation and situations like this.
Yes ddosing from memeberd in the guild is BANNED.

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