Metro is retiring


The brackets worst hunter is retiring from 24 bgs tonight. I was going to hang in there till 50k hks but after 6 months of playing him i've grown tired of playing hunter.

Thanks for all the f2p and p2p who destroyed or got destroyed by him.

I may level him to 29 and play game nights in that bracket occasionally. I"m sure they would love another hunter.

But more than likely keep him at 24 and give him the dismal job of bank alt.

RIP Metro
Mages are the single most frightening class in this bracket. If they are effective players...

Roll a Mage and watch as the players cower.

Actually i have a semi geared holy pally ally side and working on one horde side. Horde one want have many enchants since there are like 2 players on onyxia and 1 black smith hammer on the auction house.
His last night gonna try to get some 5 hunter premades gong.. go out in blaze of glory.

Ofcourse i may never get off work if met.
Metro has his pally in Sanctuary and is an exceptional guildie and a great addition , is patient with alliance ques for us. lol
Bye Metro, looking forward to meeting your Hpal then, kinda. ^^
Well Mr. Badger,

I bought 10 table dances from this trailer park queen and could not afford them so i gave her my account. I told her not to play my hunter but seems like she did.
That's my story and i'm sticking to it..
Well Mr. Badger,

I bought 10 table dances from this trailer park queen and could not afford them so i gave her my account. I told her not to play my hunter but seems like she did.
That's my story and i'm sticking to it..
She never told me not to play your hunter.

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