Message to EU 20-29s


Message to fellow 29s, whether you started playing 20 or not.

If you are sick and tired of F2P and other 20s dictating how you ought to play and you'd like to return to playing with your 29 toons, I invite you to join us.

No one, I repeat, no one, can tell you how you should play and at what level. Twinking was always about playing at the highest level in the bracket. Our war is not with you but those who think they own the bracket.

Our community of 29s is growing stronger every day, and our door is open to you.
The behavior which the lvl 20s engage in is unacceptable and in direct violation of Blizzard's Code of Conduct, do not partake in it. Sooner or later, there will be consequences.

All those who are coordinating, openly or covertly, to falsely mass report 29s and kick us from BGs have been documented and there will be consequences. People will say thay Blizzard simply does not care, but what they don't know is the organized nature of the defense and complaints we've mounted against these abusers who think they own the bracket, and the documentation of this phenomenon.

We also welcome lvl 20s who play F2P because they simply do not have the means to pay for a subscription, as we understand it may be expensive for some.

Once again, I extend an invitation to for you to join us in "kick-immune" premades and freely play with your 29s againt without fearing the tyrannical lvl 20s who think they can tell you how you ought to play.

If you play on EU servers, Horde or Alliance, our door is open to you.

Feel free to reply to this with discord info and we can talk if you'd like to hear more.


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