Meet the twinks: Curley!

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2014 and 2016 Twink Cup Champion
So it seemed like people enjoyed my first interview with Khaos. A lot of people told me I should conduct another interview, and as I was thinking of who to interview next, a certain individual came to me and asked me to interview him.

This certain individual is none other than Curley! Let's face it, everyone in the bracket knows Curley. He has a colorful personality and even people from EU who have never played a game on US servers know who Curley is just from twinkinfo forums. I also thought that many people would like to see this. I'm sure many of you are wondering what is going on in this kids head, like when he posts to copy his gear in every thread.

So here it is! Also, please remember that the answers are not my views, so don't come complaining to me as I really don't care. If you are offended by any of the answers, please try to take it with a grain of salt, because well.. it's Curley.

1. Are you good?

What do you think? Obviously I am good anyone with a brain can see this. I am clearly the greatest 19 rogue and monk anyone who thinks otherwise is oblivious.

2. How have you changed from the days you were known as Curleypwnsu to the Curley today?

When I was Curleypwnsu I was a noob who played a gnome. I had no keybindings and I was a pubescent little kid who had no idea how to play this game. Now I am the king of the jungle I am the greatest rogue and monk to grace this bracket. You all should appreciate my presence.

3. What is your response to what Khaos said about you in his interview? Does his opinion carry a lot of weight to you?

For those of you who haven't seen the other interview, this is what I am referring to:

Its his attitude and the picture he painted of himself to others that has caused so much trolling and drama. On a serious note I remember when curley was a gnome rogue. Back then I considered curley a better "player" than he is today as back then he was actually open to learning and not so close minded that nowadays has caused him to be considered a joke in the bracket. I dont say this as a shot to him but a honest opinion of the player as a whole.

Are you kidding me… the kid is lost he needs a map and has no idea what he is doing. Seriously he thinks Williams is a good rogue /endstory. His opinion is as insignificant to me as a little ant crawling on the beach.

4. So Is Khaos good?

As I mentioned earlier he is lost and has no direction. Someones to save this kid before he goes into the Brazilian jungle and meets the tribal people there.

5. Which class do you like better, Monk or Rogue? Which class do you think you are better at?

I like to play both because I smash everyone on both. I am a god on my rogue and when I evasion he gods pray to be as invincible as me. When I roll a bugatti glances at me and is like how the fuck do I accelerate like that. I’m #1 on both so who cares?

6. Describe your feelings about <Raw Talent>.

Raw Talent is the best guild in the bracket without a doubt. Anyone who hates the guild has no shot at getting in because they are awful. If someone really stood out we would have contacted you or at least talked about you. You’re all bad. Raw Talent > All.

7. Why did <Waw Tawent> lose to <tRain cOw>? What went wrong?

Lag. Train Cow even knows that was a fluke game and they are awful. They should of lost 2-0 lucky team is lucky even with shit players. It's actually pretty embarrassing that they barely beat us 1-0 when WT was pretty much playing 2 man down since Ko couldn't coordinate with me because of my lag.

8. Why do you always reply in threads with "copy my gear" without providing explanation of what your gear is or even an armory link?

Who doesn’t know my gear or my armory. Anyone who doesn’t needs to get out from their cave. I’m the best geared. Copying my gear is the closest anyone can get to my rogue because I am miles ahead of everyone.

9. Give your opinion on the infamous Pizza.

Pizza is the best at Druid and was at hunter. He is a dedicated twink who will do whatever it takes to maintain the best guild with the best players. He is an amazing individual player and an even better team player. When we are in the game together the only way we can lose is if it's an OP comp on Ally/Horde or an awful team for us. We never cause losses.

10. Are you going to ADHD camp this summer?


11. You seem to have a lot of haters. What is your message to them?

"Keep on hating. I really don’t care I am the best and you’re hate fuels me" – turdel.

12. What is your opinion on the current state of the bracket?

The bracket is awful when I’m not queueing its only good when I queue.

13. Earlier in shoutbox, Mocha said that people should not look up to you. I was baffled at this comment. What is your response to this?

People should look up to me. I'm a celebrity. Mocha is lost in 06 and needs to learn to accept that I'm a celeb and he is a paparazzi.

14. How did you become such a skilled twinker? What steps did you take to get to where you are today?

I became a skilled twink by actually caring how I play. In addition, I used keybinds and developed a beautiful UI. I also surrounded myself with the best players and constantly kept playing at a consistent rate.

15. I heard you in skype trying to write your college app essay. Your essay revolved around you donating shoes and how this was a life changing event. You feel that you should give 3-4 times the amount of gifts you receive. You said you were an active community leader, and that you are shining bright like a diamond. Elaborate on how you bless the world IRL, just like you bless the world of warcraft.

I bless the IRL world with my swag. Bitches be like damn am I in heaven.

16. Dorigon is a big icon in the 19 twink community. Provide your view on him.

Dorigon and Pizza are very similar. Pretty much the same thing I said earlier.

17. How do you feel about the first premade of MoP is scheduled?

I like it! It will increase the activity.

18. Some people say you have a huge ego. Do you think this is true?

I believe I do have a big ego. So what! I’m cocky but I’m not retarded. I only think I’m the best because I actually am.

19. What is the state of twinkinfo, specific to the 19 sub-forum?

Twinkinfo is extremely boring and needs more good threads like this one. The more trolling the better.

20. What is your view on graveyard containment?

I like it! Let the trash players die! More hk’s!

21. Is afking games to avoid a loss justified? Do you participate in this?

Yes. I don’t wanna waste my time in a shit game. It’s justified. I can do whatever I want I pay money for the game.

22. Do you still have parental controls

No but I only play on weekends

23. What is some advice you would give to new twinkers, that are looking to improve their gameplay?

Play at a high level like me.

24. If you were to make a boomkin, would you be #1 at that as well?


25. Why did WT namechange to RT? Were you happy about this change?

Confident donated it and Pizza wanted to make the guild look more mature. I don’t like it I loved the old name.

26. You are often heard arguing with your parents on vent/skype, and don't seem to care much if other people in wow can hear you guys arguing. What is the reason that you don't care as much about this as other people?

I really don’t care. I’m not fake nor should any of you be.

27. Who is in your opinion the most respectable twink? Why?

Pizza. I feel this way because he has dedicated years of time to develop his guild and improve his playstyle dramatically. He used to be one of the biggest noobs you will ever see. Now look at us. AT THE TOP IT’S JUST US NIGGA. STARTED FROM THE BOTTOM NOW WE HERE.

28. Do you consider yourself a 19 twink god?


29. Is that mage Uraflamer good?

Yes. He is a very skilled mage and his synergy with his teammates is expanding dramatically like a tower.

30. Should this be thread of the year 2013? Why?

Yes. This is the best thread of the year. This site is boring. It needs more threads like this but obviously there won't be many cause not every thread can be about me.

31. What do you think about a lot of the tRain cOw players joining Raw Talent

Pussies. Play us again. They joined us because they know they can't win again.
Curley fucked my bitch
19. What is the state of twinkinfo, specific to the 19 sub-forum?

Twinkinfo is extremely boring and needs more good threads like this one. The more trolling the better.

Are we to take this interview seriously? Question #19 would indicate it is an attempt at trolling.
Are we to take this interview seriously? Question #19 would indicate it is an attempt at trolling.

idk man the question is whether to take curley seriously and that is up to you to answer
Can I suggest somebody else takes over these types of threads? Poorly done, childish troll attempt.
"Why are you #7 and not top 3?"
I am enjoying these. I love the questions lol.
Can I suggest somebody else takes over these types of threads? Poorly done, childish troll attempt.

Keep in mind that this is really for entertainment purposes, and the fact that as soon as I logged on wow i was pummeled with pms from people saying how great this is shows that this thread did a good job entertaining people. Not to mention the positive feedback on this thread. Laughs are good.
You should interview people who actually know in this bracket for good reasons. Not a kid who want some attention from the internet with his GSA and multiple SF.
7. Why did <Waw Tawent> lose to <tRain cOw>? What went wrong?

Lag. Train Cow even knows that was a fluke game and they are awful. They should of lost 2-0 lucky team is lucky even with shit players. It's actually pretty embarrassing that they barely beat us 1-0 when WT was pretty much playing 2 man down since Ko couldn't coordinate with me because of my lag.

explain how we should of lost 2-0 i never once dropped below 60% never once was your team able to push in to go for a kill.
if anything we should of 2-0d you we killed das once which resulted in a cap then we had him to 20% or less a 2nd time

even down 1 rogue u had the EXACT SAME DPS as Train cow but were not able to get a single push going every time u tried you guys where so out of sync you would push when healers where oom and resulted in Nettle/Pizza getting killed you can see this in the video a few times rofl was pretty pathetic from the #1 guild amiright? i guess thats what happens when u roll pugs ell day and dodge premades

TC #2
WT/RT #3
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