US Meet The Tinks: Myrm


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This is an intimate and candid interview pertaining to all things Myrm -- No such thing as tl;dr in this thread! Enjoy!

What or whom got you into twinking?

Pvp was always the funnest aspect of the game for me. It took me like 2 years to level to 60 in vanilla because I would stop at the max level of each bracket and get the best gear that I could and just bg for weeks. I made my first “twink” when I got to around level 40 on my main because I liked lower level pvp better.

Halfbreed was probably the person that inspired me to want to get into twinking on a more serious level based on his presence in wsg, but Powderr was the most influential in actually helping me grow as a twink.

What is your favorite class?

Paladin before they got nerfed, probably priest now.

What is your favorite race?

Undead based on appearance, probably tauren for the racial.

What is your favorite expansion pack?

That’s a toss-up between MoP and BC, BC for <underground> and Karazhan, MoP for the <underground> revival and first Twink Cup.

Starbucks or Tim Horton's?

Probably Tim Horton’s for the donuts.

Tell us your guild resume. Any feats of strength to share?

I was in <underground> and the Dalaran <Stormstrike Baddies FTW> guild in BC. My main guilds in WoTLK were the Zul’Jin <Stormstrike Baddies FTW> and later <Partners in Crime> on Arthas, but I was also in <DONTTOUCHMYKOOLAID> for a while and <BE SAVAGE NO EXCUSES>. I was in <Lethal Synergy> for the end of Cata and throughout MoP I led <underground>.

How's <Underground> atm? Did you guys go back...Underground?

Axi is joining the army and a bunch of people went to BH. The paladin nerf kinda left me not wanting to play so I didn’t really attempt to prevent the collapse. Shoutout to Purj and Dfect for still holding it down.


Just how many flags have you held, like a /played but /carry?

I have 1620 flag caps on my Paladin so probably at least double that.

How long was the Twink Cup a dream or goal?

I was always really intent on trying to promote competition and get the whole bracket premading but as far as the Twink Cup itself, there was probably around 1-2 months between really thinking about it and making the first Twink Cup thread.

Every couple weeks in <underground> there would be an arena tournament with a few thousand gold prize, that and DA’s arena tournament were probably the initial seeds of the idea.

What got that ball rolling? How did you convince others? How did it start?

One of the major catalysts was Leusha’s death and the incident with Uraflamer. The 19 bracket is really important to a lot of people and I think a lot of people were upset when activity dropped off with the end of the summer. I wanted to try to find a way to keep activity up year-round and give people something big and guaranteed to look forward to.

After activity picked up then dropped off again after Christmas I started really thinking about the idea of hosting this grand tournament. Not long after I ended up getting $1500 that I wasn’t expecting so I pretty much took it as a sign that the Twink Cup was ordained by the heavens.

Was it exciting sharing the idea of the Twink Cup to the community? Was there fear of backlash?

There was quite a bit of excitement but also a fair bit of apprehension and frustration with the people that doubted my sincerity.

Once the motions were set in place, was there no stopping it? Were there immediate hurdles?

The biggest hurdle up until the tournament started was probably myself. There was a girl that I cared a lot about around that time that I had to choose the Twink Cup over.

What did it feel like once everything was organized, set in stone, threads made and rules set.

It felt good, there was a fair bit of doubt until that point but that was when everything became sure and firmly cemented.

Explain a little about the decisions made for the set of rules established. Was it political?

For the first Twink Cup I just went with the rules that the community had been using for the summer premades. I talked to people, read the forums, and established the rules based on what seemed like community consensus.

The second year I began to do pretty much the same but this created some resistance within the community. The general structure of the Twink Cup is something I’m pretty firm on, but the rest doesn’t matter hugely to me as long as it’s the fairest set of rules that can be realistically enforced.

I should have established a rules committee much sooner. I tried to create the committee out of people that I trust and respect but that also provide broad representation for the different groups within the community.

You into Canadian politics? Trudeau or Trudon't?

They’re all a bunch of puppets.

Did you play in the first Twink Cup? Conflict of interest?

I did. It probably is but I don’t think I’m a corrupt enough person to try to exploit any advantages I might have gained by also being the host.

What was the grand prize for that Twink Cup?


You made a major purchase recently! Congrats on such an achievment.


How did that come about? How does one purchase

I just pm’d Shane asking if he’d be willing to sell it.

Are you aspiring to purchase KIDDING!

I think me and Yoube see eye to eye on a lot of things and I anticipate a lot of cooperation with him and bisnation.

Without sharing too much, would you like to share anything about the deal struck between you and Shane?

There are still some things that need to be worked out.

What was your first plan of action you carried out?

I declared a general amnesty on all the enemies of the old regime.

The unbanning of accounts was brilliant. I'm sure you made soo many people happy!

I hope that happiness lasts; I think the community is in a great place right now.

Share something people might not know about Mýrm the Paladin.

I could prolly beat Curley in an arm wrestle irl.

Any juicy plans you want to unvail with the site and it's direction?

Nothing really that I haven’t said already. I want the existence of this website to benefit the community as much as possible.

This years Twink Cup. Yikes! Rolling along nicely, wouldn't ya say?

Ya I’m very happy with the way things have gone so far, good number of teams, the stream for the arena tournament was great, lots of positivity in the community right now.

How much of a hassle has it been dealing with such a large prize pool?

Got some compliance emails from Paypal, hopefully that will be the extent of any hassles.

Your staff deserve some props!

Ya they’re great. Conq especially has a lot of passion.

Are you playing in this years Twink Cup? Conflict of interest?


Compare this years Cup process to last. Different beasts all together or were there similarities?

This one required a lot more diplomacy and engagement with the community, but it will be a much better and larger event for it. I think I’ve learned some valuable lessons for next year.

Is there a limit to the Twink Cup prize pool or is the sky the limit?

Theoretically Blizzard could prevent us from going above 10k, but assuming we have their blessing and the means, there is no limit.

Could tee shirts and other various items be available for purchase?

Yes, this will hopefully happen very soon.

Is it going to be possible to partner with Blizzard in the future?

I hope so.

List 10 players you see shine brighter then most!


Myrm thank you for answering these questions of mine. Thank you for purchasing Thank you for creating the Twink Cup. Thank you!

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