This is an intimate and candid interview pertaining to all things Mutando -- No such thing as tl;dr in this thread! Enjoy!
What or whom got you into twinking?
I guess to answer that I have to start by saying that I have been around forever. I started playing WoW in vanilla and like most, I was horrible. My very first twink was a 19 druid FC, I had Smites Mighty Hammer and a lot of the wrong gear. Some dudes from <Guild Punishment>, one of the top premading guilds on the Vindication battlegroup showed me the correct gear and how to play. This was like early BC. I met Gankerixer in this guild and we started playing together, and getting into some premades. Was a really awesome time that I have fond memories of.
What is your favorite class?
At 19 I have been enjoying shaman, but my favorite class at 19 is paladin. If it were more viable right now that is probably what I would be playing. For max level, paladin as well.
What is your favorite race?
TROLL, mon!
Where is home for you?
Beautiful New Jersery
What is/was your favorite expac?
My best memories are from Vanilla and BC obviously because everything was so new to me, and servers just seemed so much more active. The twinking scene was pretty crazy too.
Explain where Mutando derived from.
It was the name of my very first 19 twink, the druid I talked about earlier. I have stuck with it since! Shout out to the random name generator long ago.
Explain where Waka Flaka Seagulls derived from.
Watch from 2:15 on and you will see.
How long has WFS been around for?
That is a good question… I formed the guild after talking to my main homie GANKERIXER about making a team for the Twink Cup. This was like at least 6 months prior to the actual TC so I would say it will be around a year pretty soon.
Did you play footy growing up? What number?
Yea it is my true passion man. I think if I had grown up in Europe I could have made it a career, but here in the US the player development doesn’t even compare. I wear the number 11 shirt and primarily play as a winger or Forward. My last season I wore number 10 because my coaches insisted on it.
Favorite clete? Mines gotta be the Del Piero, I ran those harddd!
Can’t go wrong with Adidas bro! You know how some girls have a big thing for shoes? I’m that way with boots. I still have every pair I have ever worn. I always liked to wear Adidas myself because I feel like they just last longer, and fit my wider feet better. So yea I wore Predators for a long time until the last two years or so, now I swear by the Mercurial Superfly’s. I’m on my third pair now and I don’t plan on switching up anytime soon.
You left as strong as right? Crosses that is!
I’m naturally left footed actually, so I try to hit crosses or shoot with my left when I can, but I can do any of that just as well with my right too. A good player can always use both feet!
What other names have you or do you play under?
Nowadays its usually some form of Mutando since that’s what people know me as. Mutando, Matando, Tando, Something like that. In the past I played a shaman named Riptides, and a hunter named Town. That was long ago though.
Scale of 1-10 how hard was it to assemble your guild's "A Team"
I guess I would have to give that an 8. It was a tiring yet enjoyable process. I met a lot of cool people through the whole trialing process, and I also met some people that I now know I don’t want to associate myself with haha! Honestly though, it was a lot of just giving anyone who seemed eager enough and somewhat skilled enough a shot. We tried soooo many players out that ended up not being the right fit for our team. There was like a 3 or 4 month period where every time we premaded we had 2-4 new faces, and we premaded a few times every single week. I had a specific type of person I was looking for, outside of what kind of player they were. I think that is why we saw so much success, because I could really count on the people that played for me.
You have a strength in identifying talent in other players. What made you want to become a GM?
Thanks for that, yea I like to think that I can see when people show promise. I personally think a huge part of it is identifying the right people, not just a good player. That is how I went about building my guild. Gankerixer, Menisi, and myself would get people into skype, play pugs with them, and kind of just try to feel it out in terms of who had the right attitude and what they wanted to achieve playing 19s. It is not hard to get better at 19s, but you have to be humble about it and not act childish when someone criticizes your gameplay. As for being GM, I just wanted to get back into playing 19s. I have been around for a long time; some people know me, and some probably don’t. I never posted a lot on TwinkInfo and normally just stuck with my group of friends. When I saw the post for the Twink Cup I had been playing casually and thought it was an awesome idea. I knew I wanted to lead, to put it simply. I am confident in that role. I’ve made some mistakes in that role, and I’ve also made some game winning decisions too. I wanted to build a team that trusted each other that would grow into an actual team, and I am proud to say I think we had great success with that.
You formed your guild rather fast and jumped into premades almost immediately. Was it easy to find games or did you have to shop WFS around before being taken seriously?
This was also an area where I differed greatly from a lot of twink guilds. A lot of guilds in the past, and still today, treated premade losses in the wrong way. I told anyone who asked to play for me, “We are going to play very often, and we will probably lose a lot in the beginning. We are going to take these losses, analyze them, and improve.” Something along those lines obviously haha. But yea, whereas some guilds may get very disheartened and lose focus after losing, I made sure we just kept on playing and kept our heads up until we started beating every team we had lost too. I know for a fact people in the community didn’t take us seriously at first, but after convincing wins against every top guild in the bracket I think people grew to respect us. It was really easy finding games when we had just started, at the time Conq had a very active guild we played against a bit, we played SR a few times, Harvest, etc. JCM and my guild went head to head all the time man. We premaded every week for months and it went back and forth all the time. I attribute a lot of our success to how often we played.
What were WFS' goals heading into the Twink Cup?
To win the whole thing. I think anyone can agree that we had the hardest matchups of the tournament. We played PING first, followed by Skill Ratio, and then GSC. I had full confidence in our team to win the tournament. We had some really intense games and I am proud of how the lads in WFS played.
How was the Arena portion of the Twink Cup?
We didn’t pay much attention to this, and probably should have looked into it a bit earlier. We ended up just letting the three guys that did skirm’s most often represent up.
How was the WSG portion of the Twink Cup?
Ah man, so much fun! To be completely honest, we weren’t too worried about PING in the first round but they definitely brought the heat and we had a really close series, in the end we were able to pull out the win. In our second series against Skill Ratio, we were very focused having not played them much at all before the cup. Let’s be honest, everyone wants to beat the champions. The first game we really brought it to them and had a convincing win. In game two, we had the series in the bag but Pizza and some of his teammates really clutched it for SR in the last minute and won it for them. In game three vs. SR we fell apart. Playing against GSC, we were confident but decided to change our strategy. Gankerixer had thought up a pretty awesome strat that involved getting GSC to chase us into bad spots. In game one, it worked perfectly and we were able to win, boxing them into our own GY. In games 2 and 3 GSC definitely stepped it up though. The games were really, really close but GSC pulled it out. It was not what we expected from ourselves to be honest, but we played our hearts out against some of the best teams in the TC. Look for us next year
Who's your club/team? What's your scarf count atm?
I am a HUGE Borussia Dortmund fan. Marco Reus is my favorite player, I named my dog after him! My scarf count, hmmm. (I can definitely tell you are a football fan as well!) I think I have like 12 or 13. I collect jersey’s too though. I have jersey’s for PSG, BvB, Bayern, Inter, Chelsea, Milan, Cote D’Ivoire, Madrid, Barca, Atletico(Torres), Germany(my country of heritage!), and the USA.
How did you feel the Twink Cup was covered in terms of publicity and exposure?
I think that it was pretty awesome being that it was all community driven. Shoutout to Myrm, Pizza, HB, Living, and all the others I can’t name off the top of my head, for really advertising it and making it what it was. There were some things that could have went smoother, and things that should have been more prepared/organized, but overall I think it was really well done and I do hope that in 2016 we make it so much more. It’s on us, we make it what it is!
Do you have a preference who is calling your games?
I guess I have a preference, but it isn’t a big deal at all to me really. I will say that after watching the VoD of our Twink Cup game vs. PING where we returned and capped literally in the last 5 seconds, the commentating was pretty lackluster. We all watched it later on, expecting the commentators to be going nuts haha! No big deal though. I like when HB or Muskie commentate games, they really have an eye for what is going on all over the map, and get really into the intense moments which makes watching really exciting.
You gained a lot of exposure and attention from the community after the Twink Cup, what's in store for WFS?
Right now we are just playing casually in pugs, and in the NWL. Right now I am looking for people in the community that want to become a part of my team. I lost probably half of my team after the TC. Whether they will be back or not, who knows, but I am looking to fill those spots with people that may potentially stick with the guild for the long run. I want to build a powerhouse team once again. We are sticking around.
Walk us thru the NWL and how your guild is participating.
Right now I am just using the NWL to test out new players, and keep my veteran guys somewhat active. I think the NWL exceeded a lot of expectations and the next season should be a lot of fun as long as some changes are made to the scoring. I think actual games won should matter more, best of three series are the essence of 19 premades.
Tea of coffee? What's Mutando ordering at Starbucks?
Never ordered from Starbucks haha! I’m not that basic. I am extremely addicted to green tea though, unsweetened. I order like 16 bottles of Green unsweetened Honest Tea each month and it usually doesn’t last me a month, people think it’s really weird. I drink it from the time I wake up until like 8pm.
As a GM do you like the concept of the NWL and what it offers?
At first I was a bit skeptical but now I have come to really appreciate and enjoy it. If more teams came into the picture I think it would be so much better. I also really think that the scoring needs to change. I like the idea of a points system, but how many points you get should be based off of who wins the best of 3 series in my opinion, meaning that winning the actual games should matter, not just how many caps you get. I hate the whole premise of that, it seems like it’s just so the third game has to be played. Let the teams play a best of three series and the winner of the series gets 3 points, loser gets 1 or something like that. This is just my opinion but I know a lot of other share it.
In a guild there are officers. Who are your right hand men?
My right hand man as I’m sure everyone knows, has and will always be Gankerixer, the best 19 rogue to ever play WSG. I had a few other officers, but right now I don’t have anyone that actually has a role in running the guild with me since everyone kind of went MIA after the Twink Cup. My brother Grundle, or A Team boomkin will also always be someone I can count on!
You a sushi guy? You go ham on rolls?
I love seafood, but it’s gotta be cooked haha! Never tried sushi, don’t think I ever will. I am super strict with what I eat anyway, I don’t really consider it a good option for me.
Your stream just got up and running and deserves some attention!
Yea! I really am hoping that someone can show me how to correctly configure it on my computer so I can stream 19s. I stream FIFA 16 all the time on the Xbox One, but that’s already set up for me. Someone help me set up the computer stream
You a hat guy or are you gellin the hair on date night?
I’m a soccer player bro, come on
I’m a bit obsessive about how my hair looks, I get it cut once a week.
You have to pick a vice in life. We all have one. Share yours and why?
Hmmm, one of mine is probably Patron. I don’t drink too often, usually only weekends BUT, give me a few limes and a Patron bottle and ole Mutando turns into
What kind of keyboard do you run? Mechanical?
I’ve been on my laptop a lot lately, but I do have a desktop with a mechanical keyboard, yes.
Can I join WFS on an Alliance toon? I won't delete it this time
You are always welcome to join the Flock bro! Just give me a shout, horde or alliance. That goes for anyone interested in 19s!
If you were to decide a mission statement for WFS, what would it include?
A team of skilled, modest players constantly striving for dominance in the Gulch!
List 10 players you see shine brigher then most!
Bakked (When he’s not d/c’d)
Thank you Mutando for answering these questions of mine. Got any shoutouts?
No doubt! Let me start out by thanking you Sketch, for taking the time to interview me, it was a lot of fun and it will be cool to share a bit about myself with the community I have always been a part of, but am now actively a part of. I’d also like to shout out everyone in my guild, Waka Flocka Seagulls. Some of you aren’t around anymore, some are. It was a blast getting to know you all and accomplishing what we did. Gotta get that going again soon! Props to Myrm for being the man behind the scenes with the Twink Cup and Twinkinfo. Thanks to everyone who has continued to play 19s, through the good and bad times. Shoutout to Gankerixer for coming out of retirement to grace the WSG field once again with his legend. I love you bro. Shoutout to my brother for making a 19 and working hard to learn how it works, and becoming a part of my team. Shoutout to Menisi for being there since day one of WFS, and always being our own biggest critic. You are a big reason why we always kept improving. Super, Puemp, Ohrig, Sloppy, Bigbody, Erizel, Toxic, Loveshack, and everyone from Waka that I didn’t name (sorry my memory is BAD), you guys are the shit and I hope you come back eventually, or stick around if you are still here!
<WFS> is recruiting everyone! I want to find solid, modest players to fill in the missing spots in our A-Team!!! Please, hit me up if you are interested. Higginson#1521
What or whom got you into twinking?
I guess to answer that I have to start by saying that I have been around forever. I started playing WoW in vanilla and like most, I was horrible. My very first twink was a 19 druid FC, I had Smites Mighty Hammer and a lot of the wrong gear. Some dudes from <Guild Punishment>, one of the top premading guilds on the Vindication battlegroup showed me the correct gear and how to play. This was like early BC. I met Gankerixer in this guild and we started playing together, and getting into some premades. Was a really awesome time that I have fond memories of.
What is your favorite class?
At 19 I have been enjoying shaman, but my favorite class at 19 is paladin. If it were more viable right now that is probably what I would be playing. For max level, paladin as well.
What is your favorite race?
TROLL, mon!
Where is home for you?
Beautiful New Jersery
What is/was your favorite expac?
My best memories are from Vanilla and BC obviously because everything was so new to me, and servers just seemed so much more active. The twinking scene was pretty crazy too.
Explain where Mutando derived from.
It was the name of my very first 19 twink, the druid I talked about earlier. I have stuck with it since! Shout out to the random name generator long ago.
Explain where Waka Flaka Seagulls derived from.
Watch from 2:15 on and you will see.
How long has WFS been around for?
That is a good question… I formed the guild after talking to my main homie GANKERIXER about making a team for the Twink Cup. This was like at least 6 months prior to the actual TC so I would say it will be around a year pretty soon.
Did you play footy growing up? What number?
Yea it is my true passion man. I think if I had grown up in Europe I could have made it a career, but here in the US the player development doesn’t even compare. I wear the number 11 shirt and primarily play as a winger or Forward. My last season I wore number 10 because my coaches insisted on it.
Favorite clete? Mines gotta be the Del Piero, I ran those harddd!
Can’t go wrong with Adidas bro! You know how some girls have a big thing for shoes? I’m that way with boots. I still have every pair I have ever worn. I always liked to wear Adidas myself because I feel like they just last longer, and fit my wider feet better. So yea I wore Predators for a long time until the last two years or so, now I swear by the Mercurial Superfly’s. I’m on my third pair now and I don’t plan on switching up anytime soon.
You left as strong as right? Crosses that is!
I’m naturally left footed actually, so I try to hit crosses or shoot with my left when I can, but I can do any of that just as well with my right too. A good player can always use both feet!
What other names have you or do you play under?
Nowadays its usually some form of Mutando since that’s what people know me as. Mutando, Matando, Tando, Something like that. In the past I played a shaman named Riptides, and a hunter named Town. That was long ago though.
Scale of 1-10 how hard was it to assemble your guild's "A Team"
I guess I would have to give that an 8. It was a tiring yet enjoyable process. I met a lot of cool people through the whole trialing process, and I also met some people that I now know I don’t want to associate myself with haha! Honestly though, it was a lot of just giving anyone who seemed eager enough and somewhat skilled enough a shot. We tried soooo many players out that ended up not being the right fit for our team. There was like a 3 or 4 month period where every time we premaded we had 2-4 new faces, and we premaded a few times every single week. I had a specific type of person I was looking for, outside of what kind of player they were. I think that is why we saw so much success, because I could really count on the people that played for me.

You have a strength in identifying talent in other players. What made you want to become a GM?
Thanks for that, yea I like to think that I can see when people show promise. I personally think a huge part of it is identifying the right people, not just a good player. That is how I went about building my guild. Gankerixer, Menisi, and myself would get people into skype, play pugs with them, and kind of just try to feel it out in terms of who had the right attitude and what they wanted to achieve playing 19s. It is not hard to get better at 19s, but you have to be humble about it and not act childish when someone criticizes your gameplay. As for being GM, I just wanted to get back into playing 19s. I have been around for a long time; some people know me, and some probably don’t. I never posted a lot on TwinkInfo and normally just stuck with my group of friends. When I saw the post for the Twink Cup I had been playing casually and thought it was an awesome idea. I knew I wanted to lead, to put it simply. I am confident in that role. I’ve made some mistakes in that role, and I’ve also made some game winning decisions too. I wanted to build a team that trusted each other that would grow into an actual team, and I am proud to say I think we had great success with that.
You formed your guild rather fast and jumped into premades almost immediately. Was it easy to find games or did you have to shop WFS around before being taken seriously?
This was also an area where I differed greatly from a lot of twink guilds. A lot of guilds in the past, and still today, treated premade losses in the wrong way. I told anyone who asked to play for me, “We are going to play very often, and we will probably lose a lot in the beginning. We are going to take these losses, analyze them, and improve.” Something along those lines obviously haha. But yea, whereas some guilds may get very disheartened and lose focus after losing, I made sure we just kept on playing and kept our heads up until we started beating every team we had lost too. I know for a fact people in the community didn’t take us seriously at first, but after convincing wins against every top guild in the bracket I think people grew to respect us. It was really easy finding games when we had just started, at the time Conq had a very active guild we played against a bit, we played SR a few times, Harvest, etc. JCM and my guild went head to head all the time man. We premaded every week for months and it went back and forth all the time. I attribute a lot of our success to how often we played.
What were WFS' goals heading into the Twink Cup?
To win the whole thing. I think anyone can agree that we had the hardest matchups of the tournament. We played PING first, followed by Skill Ratio, and then GSC. I had full confidence in our team to win the tournament. We had some really intense games and I am proud of how the lads in WFS played.
How was the Arena portion of the Twink Cup?
We didn’t pay much attention to this, and probably should have looked into it a bit earlier. We ended up just letting the three guys that did skirm’s most often represent up.
How was the WSG portion of the Twink Cup?
Ah man, so much fun! To be completely honest, we weren’t too worried about PING in the first round but they definitely brought the heat and we had a really close series, in the end we were able to pull out the win. In our second series against Skill Ratio, we were very focused having not played them much at all before the cup. Let’s be honest, everyone wants to beat the champions. The first game we really brought it to them and had a convincing win. In game two, we had the series in the bag but Pizza and some of his teammates really clutched it for SR in the last minute and won it for them. In game three vs. SR we fell apart. Playing against GSC, we were confident but decided to change our strategy. Gankerixer had thought up a pretty awesome strat that involved getting GSC to chase us into bad spots. In game one, it worked perfectly and we were able to win, boxing them into our own GY. In games 2 and 3 GSC definitely stepped it up though. The games were really, really close but GSC pulled it out. It was not what we expected from ourselves to be honest, but we played our hearts out against some of the best teams in the TC. Look for us next year
Who's your club/team? What's your scarf count atm?
I am a HUGE Borussia Dortmund fan. Marco Reus is my favorite player, I named my dog after him! My scarf count, hmmm. (I can definitely tell you are a football fan as well!) I think I have like 12 or 13. I collect jersey’s too though. I have jersey’s for PSG, BvB, Bayern, Inter, Chelsea, Milan, Cote D’Ivoire, Madrid, Barca, Atletico(Torres), Germany(my country of heritage!), and the USA.

How did you feel the Twink Cup was covered in terms of publicity and exposure?
I think that it was pretty awesome being that it was all community driven. Shoutout to Myrm, Pizza, HB, Living, and all the others I can’t name off the top of my head, for really advertising it and making it what it was. There were some things that could have went smoother, and things that should have been more prepared/organized, but overall I think it was really well done and I do hope that in 2016 we make it so much more. It’s on us, we make it what it is!
Do you have a preference who is calling your games?
I guess I have a preference, but it isn’t a big deal at all to me really. I will say that after watching the VoD of our Twink Cup game vs. PING where we returned and capped literally in the last 5 seconds, the commentating was pretty lackluster. We all watched it later on, expecting the commentators to be going nuts haha! No big deal though. I like when HB or Muskie commentate games, they really have an eye for what is going on all over the map, and get really into the intense moments which makes watching really exciting.
You gained a lot of exposure and attention from the community after the Twink Cup, what's in store for WFS?
Right now we are just playing casually in pugs, and in the NWL. Right now I am looking for people in the community that want to become a part of my team. I lost probably half of my team after the TC. Whether they will be back or not, who knows, but I am looking to fill those spots with people that may potentially stick with the guild for the long run. I want to build a powerhouse team once again. We are sticking around.
Walk us thru the NWL and how your guild is participating.
Right now I am just using the NWL to test out new players, and keep my veteran guys somewhat active. I think the NWL exceeded a lot of expectations and the next season should be a lot of fun as long as some changes are made to the scoring. I think actual games won should matter more, best of three series are the essence of 19 premades.
Tea of coffee? What's Mutando ordering at Starbucks?
Never ordered from Starbucks haha! I’m not that basic. I am extremely addicted to green tea though, unsweetened. I order like 16 bottles of Green unsweetened Honest Tea each month and it usually doesn’t last me a month, people think it’s really weird. I drink it from the time I wake up until like 8pm.
As a GM do you like the concept of the NWL and what it offers?
At first I was a bit skeptical but now I have come to really appreciate and enjoy it. If more teams came into the picture I think it would be so much better. I also really think that the scoring needs to change. I like the idea of a points system, but how many points you get should be based off of who wins the best of 3 series in my opinion, meaning that winning the actual games should matter, not just how many caps you get. I hate the whole premise of that, it seems like it’s just so the third game has to be played. Let the teams play a best of three series and the winner of the series gets 3 points, loser gets 1 or something like that. This is just my opinion but I know a lot of other share it.

In a guild there are officers. Who are your right hand men?
My right hand man as I’m sure everyone knows, has and will always be Gankerixer, the best 19 rogue to ever play WSG. I had a few other officers, but right now I don’t have anyone that actually has a role in running the guild with me since everyone kind of went MIA after the Twink Cup. My brother Grundle, or A Team boomkin will also always be someone I can count on!
You a sushi guy? You go ham on rolls?
I love seafood, but it’s gotta be cooked haha! Never tried sushi, don’t think I ever will. I am super strict with what I eat anyway, I don’t really consider it a good option for me.
Your stream just got up and running and deserves some attention!
Yea! I really am hoping that someone can show me how to correctly configure it on my computer so I can stream 19s. I stream FIFA 16 all the time on the Xbox One, but that’s already set up for me. Someone help me set up the computer stream
You a hat guy or are you gellin the hair on date night?
I’m a soccer player bro, come on
You have to pick a vice in life. We all have one. Share yours and why?
Hmmm, one of mine is probably Patron. I don’t drink too often, usually only weekends BUT, give me a few limes and a Patron bottle and ole Mutando turns into
What kind of keyboard do you run? Mechanical?
I’ve been on my laptop a lot lately, but I do have a desktop with a mechanical keyboard, yes.
Can I join WFS on an Alliance toon? I won't delete it this time
You are always welcome to join the Flock bro! Just give me a shout, horde or alliance. That goes for anyone interested in 19s!
If you were to decide a mission statement for WFS, what would it include?
A team of skilled, modest players constantly striving for dominance in the Gulch!
List 10 players you see shine brigher then most!
Bakked (When he’s not d/c’d)
Thank you Mutando for answering these questions of mine. Got any shoutouts?
No doubt! Let me start out by thanking you Sketch, for taking the time to interview me, it was a lot of fun and it will be cool to share a bit about myself with the community I have always been a part of, but am now actively a part of. I’d also like to shout out everyone in my guild, Waka Flocka Seagulls. Some of you aren’t around anymore, some are. It was a blast getting to know you all and accomplishing what we did. Gotta get that going again soon! Props to Myrm for being the man behind the scenes with the Twink Cup and Twinkinfo. Thanks to everyone who has continued to play 19s, through the good and bad times. Shoutout to Gankerixer for coming out of retirement to grace the WSG field once again with his legend. I love you bro. Shoutout to my brother for making a 19 and working hard to learn how it works, and becoming a part of my team. Shoutout to Menisi for being there since day one of WFS, and always being our own biggest critic. You are a big reason why we always kept improving. Super, Puemp, Ohrig, Sloppy, Bigbody, Erizel, Toxic, Loveshack, and everyone from Waka that I didn’t name (sorry my memory is BAD), you guys are the shit and I hope you come back eventually, or stick around if you are still here!
<WFS> is recruiting everyone! I want to find solid, modest players to fill in the missing spots in our A-Team!!! Please, hit me up if you are interested. Higginson#1521