This is an intimate and candid interview pertaining to all things Curley -- No such thing as tl;dr in this thread. Enjoy!
What or whom got you into twinking?
I actually got into twinking because my babysitter when I was little used to twink. He played a 19 gnome rogue with a green beard just like old Curleypwnsu. I would always watch him and stay up passed my bedtime to watch him. Don't tell my dad!
What is your favorite class?
My favorite class currently has to be Monk, specifically BM, because you have so much control of the game especially in Pugs. I can join a losing game and turn it into a winning one just by me entering. I obviously love the rogue class but it has nowhere near the impact that a BM can have. I also love BM because i love to be the frontline and also take command of mid and fuck all you alliance betas up.
What is your favorite race?
My favorite race is tauren because they are huge. They have the best aesthetics. Look at Curleyrollsu's lats and biceps. You all know you are mirin.
Where is home for you?
Home to me is in Alliance gy farming the fuck out of you shitters. No but really, home to me is South Florida.
Are you aware of the stooges?
Larry and Mo? Yes. I used to watch them when I was little along with The rugrats. I got the name Curley from my dad. Curley was origninally his character but he was just a level 1 bank toon.
What is your S key bound too atm?
My Insignia for dem quick trinkets bro.
Any feats of strength/resume of games/arena you would like to share?
Ya bro i hit a 450 squat. Lol all jokes aside, I have the competitor's tabard and seargent title on my main. In the arena I have been know to recently fuck shit up especially with Saxxon.
Let's go back a few expansion packs: the 1v1 vs Willy -- What sparked that fight?
Well I was obviously the best rogue at that time especially in rogue 1v1s. I remember I talked shit to him because u know thats what I used to do all the time. He came out of nowhere asking to challenge me. I at first was like fuck no I have nothing to gain from fighting him. If I lose a shitstorm will happen, if I win nothing will happen, and if I dodge it makes me look a pussy. So I just said that it wasn't worth my time to piss him off. I kept getting egged on by his friend I forgot his name, some shitter. So i was like whatever let me just fuck him up to just prove im a fucking god like i am right now.
During those fights, I was tuning into Zeiren's stream. What were the emotions felt during that type of brawl?
Well to be quite honest, I was not nervous at all. Anyone who plays with me, knows that my confidence is extremely high. I do not expect to lose EVER. I am fucking Curleypwnsu. I never lose bro.
When you lost the one duel, was it a huge blow or just a small chink in the armor?
I got pretty mad. I thought I would 5-0 him. A 5-0 looks so much better then 5-1
When it was over, be real, was your heart rate thru the roof?
Not at all. I just beat a shitty rogue what is there to be excited about. Big deal I beat Willy. My heart rate was really through the roof when I lost to Deadlymidget LOL. He is the true king in my eyes.
Do you get along with Willy today?
We do not speak at all. But if we did i'm sure we would.
Lets chat fintess for a moment. Was that really you in that thread?
I know right hard to believe im so aesthetic
. Just kididng but yea that is me. Anyone that skypes me or talks to me or sees my real ID broadcasts knows that bodybuilding is my passion.
How often do you lift? Dost thou even hoist?
Bro do you even lift. I lift 5 times a week I used to do 6 but my body cant handle 6 days of heavy training a week. I am going to be competing in a year or so.
Have you ever gone to a Drive-In Movie Theater?
No but I would love to. Especially with all the sloots. Sloots goonna sloot.
Explain the recruitment process involved when joining <Skill Ratio>.
Well I am not currently sure about it to be honest. Pizza just invites people who he thinks are good fits or he knows he can mold into a good player. Like when I joined, lets be real, I was fucking shit. I never applied or any of that other shit. I talked to Pizza in vent with Sidni and asked him if I could join. He said yes, I was fucking surprised and transfered that day immediately. We currently are not reallly recruiting as our 10 man team is already filled.
How many years you got logged with SR? What's the senority feel like?
I believe I have 4 years in SR. I feel like a fucking old man in the guild lol jk. I actually dont feel old at all in the guild because i am one of the youngest if not the youngest player at 19. Pizza and some others still sometimes call me Curleypwnsu.
Do you like where Rogue is atm? Do you feel like you're stuck as BM?
I love where rogue is atm. I just love where BM is even more. I feel alot more imapactful on a BM but yeah rogue is in a great place. It takes alot of thinking and map awareness which are two of my biggest strengths. If i logged on my rogue now i'd instantly be the best.
Twink Cup talk time: Who's winning the Arena battle?
SR is even though we haven't even thinked of who is playing or the comps because we are just that good.
<Skill Ratio> looks to be the strongest in the WSG battle!
Yeah because we have 4 of the top 5 players in the bracket and have been playing with each other forever.
Who calls targets for you guys?
We have a complicated process for this that I will not divulge into futher details. (I'm not telling you anything
What's going to happen after the Twink Cup?
I don't really care I won't be playing but i'm sure 19s will survive for a little bit then probably die until summer.
Do you dabble in end game at all?
Nope fuck 100s. 19's is where it is at. I made a 90 using the free 90 boost to get my bis leg enchant. Curleytinke #1 90 rogue world.
Do you know what OVOXO means?
Got that OVO and XO your girlfriend and our next show... The zone is my favorite song of all time!
You stream and offer some serious Arena action! How long have you been doing that?
I actually haven't streamed in awhile because my internet is so shit. If you wanna watch me play on a gameboy i'll start streaming again!
When did you decide you were filling the BM roll and not Rogue?
When rogues were not going to be used in premades basically. I think during MOP rogues were not being used at all so i wanted to stay on the premade team. I also coped ko because monk looked like fun. I gave it a try and immediately after the 1st wsg i got into I knew i would become a god.
Was that tough to concede the class you made your reputatiuon with?
Not really. I made a name for myself as a player I believe and not as just a rogue. I can play any DPS class in WSG as good as any of the top players. I don't mean mechanically though. My WSG knowledge is more than 99.99999 percent of you all.
How many shadowfangs does your account have at this very moment? All alts combined!
Ummm let me think! 2 on Curley and 2 on Curlx.... So 4.
Are they decompression shorts or spandex?
Like come on now.. They are Calvins bro i know you are jealous. You gotta try a pair i'm sure Scuzbag will approve
Got any funny stories about your peers you would like to share? I'm sure you got some good ones in the vault!
I have crazy college experiences! One time i was eating pizza, its bulking season, and a homeless guy came up and mooned me. Another time a homeless guy walked across the street while he was on several drugs and came back to me and asked me for a penny then passed out. Another time, I fucked a girl off tinder. Another story, I went to a bar and was so drunk that i was talking to a girls ass and saying how i want to fuck it. Another time, i got head in the back of a movie theater and my friend saw me during the prievews and almost caught us LOL.
List 10 players you see shine brighter then most!
1. Pizza- Leader, top guild leader, smartest WSG knowledge, elder, amazing intuition and ability to think on the fly. Without Pizza I don't think I would be where I am as a player right now.
2. Kancer- A genius, the top healer in the bracket by far. Can solo heal pretty much anything. Can think of crazy strats and can point me, Pizza, and our guild in the right direction.
3. Hunnybuns- Another great guild leader, extremely smart in WSG. Gives me difficulty playing against him which I love! Always gives it his all every single WSG and is a great "face" for the bracket.
4. Grizzle- Another huge nerd that is in SR. We have hour long debates in our skpye convo. Someone with great WSG and field awareness.
5. Britt- Nicest twink I know. No other girl can be on her level for sure. She is a beast at bolting people and has such great synergy with every player she surrounds herself with. I don't know how mid would be like without her. She also is the kindest person to strangers and other twinks.
6. Saxx- Am i big? Lol. Great arena player and a rogue who has been doing his thing forever. Love dueling you on hamcake and that other private server bro! Great WSG rogue too. My homie.
7. Curley- The top monk. A future champion of the Twink Cup. A legend. Curleypwnsu. R u mirin my physique. A strategist. A leader. A god. A beast. Will never be forgotten.
8. Moran- Puts his whole heart into our team. Top rogue currently besides me if i don't play mine. Will fuck all of the guilds fc's in the Cup. Goodluck.
9. Darkchewie- My fc. You wont return a single flag that gets capped on in the futue cup. I wish you all luck.
10. Zeiren- WIll breakoff to whichever betas try to get dark.
Curley thank you for taking the time for doing this! Last words?
Thanks for the interview and choosing me! Yeah a few last words. I would like to inform you that Skill Ratio will not get capped on a single time and we will win the cup and slaughter. Also i would like to say I am an extremely underrated player and anyone who premaded with me or sees me as a leader will agree with me. Keep on being retartded and thinking Skeezin is the best and a better assest to the team. What a funny joke. Have a good day everyone!
What or whom got you into twinking?
I actually got into twinking because my babysitter when I was little used to twink. He played a 19 gnome rogue with a green beard just like old Curleypwnsu. I would always watch him and stay up passed my bedtime to watch him. Don't tell my dad!
What is your favorite class?
My favorite class currently has to be Monk, specifically BM, because you have so much control of the game especially in Pugs. I can join a losing game and turn it into a winning one just by me entering. I obviously love the rogue class but it has nowhere near the impact that a BM can have. I also love BM because i love to be the frontline and also take command of mid and fuck all you alliance betas up.
What is your favorite race?
My favorite race is tauren because they are huge. They have the best aesthetics. Look at Curleyrollsu's lats and biceps. You all know you are mirin.
Where is home for you?
Home to me is in Alliance gy farming the fuck out of you shitters. No but really, home to me is South Florida.
Are you aware of the stooges?
Larry and Mo? Yes. I used to watch them when I was little along with The rugrats. I got the name Curley from my dad. Curley was origninally his character but he was just a level 1 bank toon.

What is your S key bound too atm?
My Insignia for dem quick trinkets bro.
Any feats of strength/resume of games/arena you would like to share?
Ya bro i hit a 450 squat. Lol all jokes aside, I have the competitor's tabard and seargent title on my main. In the arena I have been know to recently fuck shit up especially with Saxxon.
Let's go back a few expansion packs: the 1v1 vs Willy -- What sparked that fight?
Well I was obviously the best rogue at that time especially in rogue 1v1s. I remember I talked shit to him because u know thats what I used to do all the time. He came out of nowhere asking to challenge me. I at first was like fuck no I have nothing to gain from fighting him. If I lose a shitstorm will happen, if I win nothing will happen, and if I dodge it makes me look a pussy. So I just said that it wasn't worth my time to piss him off. I kept getting egged on by his friend I forgot his name, some shitter. So i was like whatever let me just fuck him up to just prove im a fucking god like i am right now.
During those fights, I was tuning into Zeiren's stream. What were the emotions felt during that type of brawl?
Well to be quite honest, I was not nervous at all. Anyone who plays with me, knows that my confidence is extremely high. I do not expect to lose EVER. I am fucking Curleypwnsu. I never lose bro.
When you lost the one duel, was it a huge blow or just a small chink in the armor?
I got pretty mad. I thought I would 5-0 him. A 5-0 looks so much better then 5-1
When it was over, be real, was your heart rate thru the roof?
Not at all. I just beat a shitty rogue what is there to be excited about. Big deal I beat Willy. My heart rate was really through the roof when I lost to Deadlymidget LOL. He is the true king in my eyes.
Do you get along with Willy today?
We do not speak at all. But if we did i'm sure we would.
Lets chat fintess for a moment. Was that really you in that thread?
I know right hard to believe im so aesthetic
How often do you lift? Dost thou even hoist?
Bro do you even lift. I lift 5 times a week I used to do 6 but my body cant handle 6 days of heavy training a week. I am going to be competing in a year or so.

Have you ever gone to a Drive-In Movie Theater?
No but I would love to. Especially with all the sloots. Sloots goonna sloot.
Explain the recruitment process involved when joining <Skill Ratio>.
Well I am not currently sure about it to be honest. Pizza just invites people who he thinks are good fits or he knows he can mold into a good player. Like when I joined, lets be real, I was fucking shit. I never applied or any of that other shit. I talked to Pizza in vent with Sidni and asked him if I could join. He said yes, I was fucking surprised and transfered that day immediately. We currently are not reallly recruiting as our 10 man team is already filled.
How many years you got logged with SR? What's the senority feel like?
I believe I have 4 years in SR. I feel like a fucking old man in the guild lol jk. I actually dont feel old at all in the guild because i am one of the youngest if not the youngest player at 19. Pizza and some others still sometimes call me Curleypwnsu.
Do you like where Rogue is atm? Do you feel like you're stuck as BM?
I love where rogue is atm. I just love where BM is even more. I feel alot more imapactful on a BM but yeah rogue is in a great place. It takes alot of thinking and map awareness which are two of my biggest strengths. If i logged on my rogue now i'd instantly be the best.
Twink Cup talk time: Who's winning the Arena battle?
SR is even though we haven't even thinked of who is playing or the comps because we are just that good.
<Skill Ratio> looks to be the strongest in the WSG battle!
Yeah because we have 4 of the top 5 players in the bracket and have been playing with each other forever.
Who calls targets for you guys?
We have a complicated process for this that I will not divulge into futher details. (I'm not telling you anything
What's going to happen after the Twink Cup?
I don't really care I won't be playing but i'm sure 19s will survive for a little bit then probably die until summer.
Do you dabble in end game at all?
Nope fuck 100s. 19's is where it is at. I made a 90 using the free 90 boost to get my bis leg enchant. Curleytinke #1 90 rogue world.
Do you know what OVOXO means?
Got that OVO and XO your girlfriend and our next show... The zone is my favorite song of all time!

You stream and offer some serious Arena action! How long have you been doing that?
I actually haven't streamed in awhile because my internet is so shit. If you wanna watch me play on a gameboy i'll start streaming again!
When did you decide you were filling the BM roll and not Rogue?
When rogues were not going to be used in premades basically. I think during MOP rogues were not being used at all so i wanted to stay on the premade team. I also coped ko because monk looked like fun. I gave it a try and immediately after the 1st wsg i got into I knew i would become a god.
Was that tough to concede the class you made your reputatiuon with?
Not really. I made a name for myself as a player I believe and not as just a rogue. I can play any DPS class in WSG as good as any of the top players. I don't mean mechanically though. My WSG knowledge is more than 99.99999 percent of you all.
How many shadowfangs does your account have at this very moment? All alts combined!
Ummm let me think! 2 on Curley and 2 on Curlx.... So 4.
Are they decompression shorts or spandex?
Like come on now.. They are Calvins bro i know you are jealous. You gotta try a pair i'm sure Scuzbag will approve
Got any funny stories about your peers you would like to share? I'm sure you got some good ones in the vault!
I have crazy college experiences! One time i was eating pizza, its bulking season, and a homeless guy came up and mooned me. Another time a homeless guy walked across the street while he was on several drugs and came back to me and asked me for a penny then passed out. Another time, I fucked a girl off tinder. Another story, I went to a bar and was so drunk that i was talking to a girls ass and saying how i want to fuck it. Another time, i got head in the back of a movie theater and my friend saw me during the prievews and almost caught us LOL.
List 10 players you see shine brighter then most!
1. Pizza- Leader, top guild leader, smartest WSG knowledge, elder, amazing intuition and ability to think on the fly. Without Pizza I don't think I would be where I am as a player right now.
2. Kancer- A genius, the top healer in the bracket by far. Can solo heal pretty much anything. Can think of crazy strats and can point me, Pizza, and our guild in the right direction.
3. Hunnybuns- Another great guild leader, extremely smart in WSG. Gives me difficulty playing against him which I love! Always gives it his all every single WSG and is a great "face" for the bracket.
4. Grizzle- Another huge nerd that is in SR. We have hour long debates in our skpye convo. Someone with great WSG and field awareness.
5. Britt- Nicest twink I know. No other girl can be on her level for sure. She is a beast at bolting people and has such great synergy with every player she surrounds herself with. I don't know how mid would be like without her. She also is the kindest person to strangers and other twinks.
6. Saxx- Am i big? Lol. Great arena player and a rogue who has been doing his thing forever. Love dueling you on hamcake and that other private server bro! Great WSG rogue too. My homie.
7. Curley- The top monk. A future champion of the Twink Cup. A legend. Curleypwnsu. R u mirin my physique. A strategist. A leader. A god. A beast. Will never be forgotten.
8. Moran- Puts his whole heart into our team. Top rogue currently besides me if i don't play mine. Will fuck all of the guilds fc's in the Cup. Goodluck.
9. Darkchewie- My fc. You wont return a single flag that gets capped on in the futue cup. I wish you all luck.
10. Zeiren- WIll breakoff to whichever betas try to get dark.
Curley thank you for taking the time for doing this! Last words?
Thanks for the interview and choosing me! Yeah a few last words. I would like to inform you that Skill Ratio will not get capped on a single time and we will win the cup and slaughter. Also i would like to say I am an extremely underrated player and anyone who premaded with me or sees me as a leader will agree with me. Keep on being retartded and thinking Skeezin is the best and a better assest to the team. What a funny joke. Have a good day everyone!
"I AM A GOD" -Curley 2015