Medivh Is my new home.

So yeah.

We're looking for more players for wargames andmore, so please whisper any member of Beats on Nineteen for information, we'll be funding and helping new twink out. Thanks

Whisper me in-game, Bankbeauty or Bobaliscious. I'm online right now. People are playing their mains right now, reason why there's no one online
/cry. Can you make an alt in UnNerfable? :0
You can also whisper me, while my 10 is not complete (squishyform) I get lonely and would like to talk about cake and movies or whatnot.

Medivh ftw.
could you PM me your Real ID? :D would like to chat about moving over there but everytime i check no ones on lol
im backk :) sry all its been an eventful few days :) hope i see you all in BON soon!!! remember, 6kg to blow on this
Any classes you're looking for to round things out?
also, cuz im heading off to work soon, ill be on around 1030-11pm tonight eastern/medivh server time. aww any myself are going to attempt to get a wargame going seeing how it failed last time we tried.
Well I'm all about my warrior. If you've got a spare cadets shield of blocking, Bard's belt of defense, and Feral cloak of defense............I'm down for that. If not then I'll have to wait til I can justify spending the extra money to move one of my 10's or I suppose I can roll up something else. I enjoy playing warriors the most, then everything else is pretty much a distant second. I've got tons of level 10 specs and builds I wouldn't mind playing so if you don't have bis gear available for a warrior then I really don't mind playing something else. That way if 10's ever gets going I can contribute to a premade instead of overlapping something you already have.

You wouldn't happen to have a list of banked gear that's available do you?
jafizz said:
also, cuz im heading off to work soon, ill be on around 1030-11pm tonight eastern/medivh server time. aww any myself are going to attempt to get a wargame going seeing how it failed last time we tried.

There are some threads saying that you have to have exp-on in order to get wargames to pop. so make sure that eveyone has explored the areas you plan on staging your fight so you don't get discovery exp and level out by mistake. With the newer level 10's it shouldn't be a problem since they probably turned their exp off as soon as they hit 10. The old school level 10's might be pretty close to 11 though and turning exp on is kinda scarry.
hey, as far as warriors go, i play one, i love them, and i have some gear. i dont have your defence belt/cloak however i have the shield.. actually a few of them somewhere. im looking for the defence belts myself:) i have a +2 leather one i screw around with on bamfcow but thats it. u can hop over n visit right now if desired im on. on bamfcow too:) just standing in org doing nothing..
one more thing:) if anyone comes to medivh and doesnt see any BON online, type /join carnage this will bring you into our server wide channel for our 19/10 twink alt's/mains/twinks/ etc. so if anyone is in that channel then you can surely talk to them and they may be able to direct you into guild or to someone who can help :) see you at 1030-11pm
fochixi said:
There are some threads saying that you have to have exp-on in order to get wargames to pop. so make sure that eveyone has explored the areas you plan on staging your fight so you don't get discovery exp and level out by mistake. With the newer level 10's it shouldn't be a problem since they probably turned their exp off as soon as they hit 10. The old school level 10's might be pretty close to 11 though and turning exp on is kinda scarry.

The problem is, when we tried it kept saying: Everyone has to be in the same level range, something around that. And it wouldn't let us in.
Didn't happen to me.. ^_-
I also has Blocking shield with +10 Parry Scroll of enchant for it.
:O I'll lvl up a pally JUST for that on Medivh lol

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