MC, BWL, and Thunderfury not going anywhere.


Guild Master
i believe there was a thread about this about 2 months ago when the blue post was written...
yea he's just posting so tards stop spreading rumors stuff is going away

all legendaries should be safe seeing as the guild achieve for having them all made is only supposed to happen if you complete the weapons (or have them drop like glaives) post 4.0, not now. so if you're an 80 about to complete TF or rag might wanna hang on to it to help your guild get achieves. correct if im wrong, but that is what ive heard concerning that particular achieve.
thanks to reposting this, I'm tired of my guild getting flamed saying "you're guild is useless once cata hits, your raids are going away."

Perhaps this should be stickied so people would STFU about it?
this is doubling as a bump because there are a half million people that ought to read this...

but I have been wondering all this time, what about AQ? I've heard no mention of AQ and they are planning to change silithus..?

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