Max spellpower on a lock?

Hey, im interested in making a lock and seeing how much spell power is possible, can anyone give me an armory/chardev for it? Was also wondering if a destro lock was possible.
fishing hat/thick bronze neck/BOA shoulder/wsg cloak/inferno robe/shadow wrath bracers+15sp/BOA staff+30sp/banshee rod of the sun/jutebraid gloves+20 shadow/healing belt/healing leggings/spidersilk boots/bronze band of force/wsg ring/2x spellpower trinket

Makes the absolute maximum +180 shadow damage with minor wizard oil

Pardon me for a messy post, but I'm in a hurry :)
You might wanna check on that guy who tried to make a spirit lock some months back to get SP from spirit by using life tap(?) with the ....inscription thing...mind went blank.

Never saw anything about how the testing ended, but I know I want to hear the results.
+9 SP boots 181 SP!

Also staff of the blessed seer in the end has higher SP because you can apply the +8 SP oil to it, unlike the BOA staff. so +6 more sp.

187 SP!
u can apply the SP oil to BoA weapons mate :) so the boa weapon has more SP, but as lock i would go for the SP mace(30 sp/minor wizard oil) + the 8sp inscription thingie
Hmm thats funny because when i try to put Minor wizzard oil on my Boa, it says item is too low lvl
kafefo said:
u can apply the SP oil to BoA weapons mate :) so the boa weapon has more SP, but as lock i would go for the SP mace(30 sp/minor wizard oil) + the 8sp inscription thingie

No you can't, mate.
Boglund said:
using life tap(?) with the ....inscription thing...mind went blank.

Glyph...? :p

sounds like a good idea, i assume u are able to equip full spirit gear, use life tap, and then switch to normal sp gear keeping the sp buff. how much spirit would be possible to get on a 19 lock? :D
kafefo said: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

its 135 Shadow dmg(+15+30+8=53 SP so 188 SP total)

(couldn`t find the SP weap...)

@murk, strange because i can attach Minor wizard oil to my BoA weap.

You can't apply Minor Wizard oil, Sharpening stones, or weight stones to any BoA's. Maybe you used to be able too, I just tested this and you Cannot apply it. Before another person posts that you can please go test it.
Grabco said:
You can't apply Minor Wizard oil, Sharpening stones, or weight stones to any BoA's. Maybe you used to be able too, I just tested this and you Cannot apply it. Before another person posts that you can please go test it.

so officially its 186 SP unbuffed!
Boglund said:
You might wanna check on that guy who tried to make a spirit lock some months back to get SP from spirit by using life tap(?) with the ....inscription thing...mind went blank.

Never saw anything about how the testing ended, but I know I want to hear the results.

I find that a staff of the friar with 20 spirit works really awesome. With my boa staff I tap for 91-92 and with my 31 spirit staff I tap for 138. I use this ALL the time.
yeah ok long time i played on my pala(he has the BoA weap) i`m not being able to go on WoW for a few weeks now. but i`m off to holidays now :) belgium here i come
orc racial is another 40~ish
I get another 10 SP using Bloodthistle. It seemed like it stacks with Lesser Wizard Oil, but I'll need to verify.
Check out my lock zorbeez(Link is in my sig, click the banner). he's stacking mostly SP but has quite a good amount of HP to balance it out.
Drayner's lock is perfect. Can also check out bizarre- shadowsong for some sick sp.

When thinking about max spellpower for a lock you may also want to consider that some damage come from fire. So stacking all shadow gear might only be the max damage for that school.

I would be more interested in maxing the sum of both schools of magic.

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