Max Sp Priest


I'm going to make a priest because I'm bored of my rogue, hunter and lock. And I was just wondering on a full Sp priest what was the biggest Smite crit u could get?
if you have a rogue hunter and lock you must like to put out the DPS. Why don't you try a mage, they are very fun if you're in the right mood to play it. Very different than every other class because rather than killing someone you just piss a bunch of people off. Not only that but they have a pretty sick flamestrike that is fun to use in random dungeons.
Ya i started working on a Mage started collecting gear then i realized i didn't want a Mage. Then i qued for a 19 BG and was pissed that we had no healers so thats when i decided to make a priest. So i want to have a healing set and then a DPS set and was just wondering what was the Max crit that any 19 priest has gotten on Smite. I know priests DPS output at low lvls isnt very strong I was just curious.

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