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For a dk, anyone know how?

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Do I know how to get max AP? yes, wear max AP gear. Do I know how to get the most HP? Yea, wear max HP gear. [/font]

[font=courier new,courier,monospace]Unless of course you meant _what_ the gear is, well that's easy, go make a chardev, helm -> scroll through all helms for your level/armour type and find that which including room for stamina gems has the most possible stam. Then work to the next slot.[/font]
Lol not answering the questionodoes not make your post helpful, he was obviously asking for an armory or premade chardev
Made the topic, cuz i cba to search this up myself
Therefore i ask my fellow TI geeks if someone might have looked this up allready
Dunno, he asked how, i said how. But that's me being a dick since it's hot in the office. I can have a crack if you haven't done it yet.

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