Making my first 19 twink!


Hey folks,

I've been thinking about making a 19 twink for quite some time now and finally came to the conclusion that I'd try and make one and see how it goes.

Was just wondering about a few things:

What class is the most allround class atm? I'd like one that deals okay damage (without being too OP) and have a chance to survive even tho I don't get the first shot. I'm used to play warrior, would this be a good choice or are they totally gimped?

What's the best professions atm? as far as I've been able to tell from reading a few threads I'll probably roll with Engi and Herb/mining, mainly because I doubt I'll get the fishing hat in the near future, and the goggles is a nice alternative. Is this the best option? or would it be better to get 2xGather Professions?

I know that Draenor EU used to be rather active at 19, but haven't seen alot of 19 twinks lately, so wondered if this is still the place to make a 19 twink?

I'm used to twinking and got a 60 and 70 twink atm, but I feel like I'm ready to widen my horizont a bit and make a 19 twink, just for the laugh :)

Hope some of you will be able to help me ;)

Best regards,

Draenor EU horde is full of twink, some Nice ones with skill, some geeks that are all epeen

alliance (which i play :)) everyone is rather friendly but theres not many mega active twinks round that ive seen :(

also atm pallys are nice since they can throw out decent dps, are beast FC's and decent healers, anything gets 1 shotted by rogues but that'll be changing soon =]
Dorah said:
Draenor EU horde is full of twink, some Nice ones with skill, some geeks that are all epeen

alliance (which i play :)) everyone is rather friendly but theres not many mega active twinks round that ive seen :(

also atm pallys are nice since they can throw out decent dps, are beast FC's and decent healers, anything gets 1 shotted by rogues but that'll be changing soon =]

speak for yourself, as a priest i have no problems. don't give the guy false info
As far as pallies being decent healers, we won't really know until cata hits gold, whether or not flash of light and other spells stay.

What class is the most allround class atm?

Paladins seem to be the current OP's.

All around, I think Druids and Priests are a good start.

What's the best professions atm?

Engineering and Mining/Herbalism, although Herbalism might go in decline.
druid/priest IMO

draenor alli/horde is the most active but any sever ATM is ok sence the merger.

for pitty sake dont make a rogue gl sir :).
7 stam (225 mining) which is 70 hp
Hi everyone,

New twink myself... I see a lot of people mention Paladin and Druid as some of the strong classes right now - I was wondering what specs, specifically? Or does it not matter?

I myself have an 80 rogue and priest, so I've been meaning to make a new char to twink, especially as I understand queues will be better now. I've been rolling around ideas such as warrior, ret paladin and resto druid as I'm interested in those class' playstyle. I happen to have heirloom sets (shoulder, chest, weapon) for warrior, ret paladin and Feral druid (thanks to my rogue).

Also, in looking at the skills available to those three classes until 19, it seems warriors are missing a lot of the good stuff like Cleave, Hamstring, Pummel etc. until the 20s+ so I am beginning to lean towards Ret Paladin and Resto druid. OR should I be inverting those specs and going Holy Paladin / Feral druid? Should I be leaning toward the spec/class for which I have heirlooms or should I just ignore those?

What class is the most allround class atm? I'd like one that deals okay damage (without being too OP) and have a chance to survive even tho I don't get the first shot.

I think druids and (maybe) priests (haven't played one recently) are the most all around decent classes right now. All 3 specs for each class are very viable and different without being boring, easy, or OP.

What's the best professions atm?

Until you get the fishing hat, Engineering is a must. 8 stam>no stam until hat (I had engineering for a year and a half). The other one is up to you really, herbalism and mining are both viable gathering profs. I’d take herbalism because of the heal and the haste (assuming you make a caster) but mining is becoming more shiny because of the much needed stamina in midst of the bracket’s bursty state.

and make a 19 twink, just for the laugh :)

19’S AINT NO JOKE SON (Okay, maybe if you’re used to 60/70 I can see why.)

Amikus said:
New twink myself... I see a lot of people mention Paladin and Druid as some of the strong classes right now - I was wondering what specs, specifically? Or does it not matter?

FOR ME, having twinked nearly every class at 19, I say with confidence that fresh meat to the bracket should make a druid or a paladin. Spec really doesn’t matter. All 3 specs for both classes are extremely viable and unique, and I have never gotten bored on either of those classes. I switch specs almost once a week just to keep things interesting and I discover new things/tactics each time I do. Nothing ever gets old and there is always something to look forward to. I got bored relatively quickly with my hunter, rogue, and warlock, as it became the same thing over and over and over... and over again.

I'm used to play warrior, would this be a good choice or are they totally gimped?

Also, in looking at the skills available to those three classes until 19, it seems warriors are missing a lot of the good stuff like Cleave, Hamstring, Pummel etc. until the 20s+

I haven’t played a warrior since the latest patch either but they DEFINITELY weren’t what they used to be. Lost A LOT of tools. Wouldn’t recommend making one.

so I am beginning to lean towards Ret Paladin and Resto druid. OR should I be inverting those specs and going Holy Paladin / Feral druid? Should I be leaning toward the spec/class for which I have heirlooms or should I just ignore those?

Both specs are extremely viable and exciting. Holy paladins are great right now, and rets and prots are nice too. I play a druid, and I absolutely LOVE each tree! Hope this helped y’all… Wall of text I know… Should tie most ends up though!
Hey, Khano - thanks a lot for your thoughts. This was very helpful! As I understand, Holy Pallies are losing FoL in Cata in the 19 bracket, which is kind of a shame... :( So I will begin working on a resto druid and a ret paladin for now!
Arihant said:
Thanks for all the response, I'm making an alliance paladin on Draenor (EU). Any of you guys know who I can contact about joining a 19 guild? Seen some from Against All Odds around, but not sure who is in charge on who gets in and who stays out.

Best regards,


Myself and Kitty from this website are co-GMs of AAO. I'm currently not ingame but hopefully my PC will be fixed soon and i'll get back in.

Ingame /w Scízor, Ellisha, Korette, Dreaax, Creaax or Sputnick.

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