mage @ 49 ?

Only played 39 bracket and enjoyed it a lot, so my question is :

How do mages perform @ 49 , esp frostmages, are they able to compete with other burst classes in that bracket ?

As far ive read shamans, palas, hunters , loks outperform others ?

And what class has the best 49 gear options ?

thx in advance
they are good. But takes skill. I never lost to a mage on my shaman though probaly just me or the class. But apart from shamans (purge,interupt,grounding,stoneclaw,sields) heals+ranged+melee yes shamans are all around good, but can't cc. as enhance they have lower stats (ap,crit,armor,hp) then warriors and other melee classes. okey enough about shaman. Apart from Shaman I have seen mage doing really good! Very good synergy class.

And yes they have great burst too, so when facing a good mage everyone you must look out :)

and I think they don't stand any big chance against sl/sl warlocks anti caster specced.
I am rolling a Mage - seeing the lack of them in EU-Blackout, but I can only speak hypothetically as I've only seen one Mage at 49.

Magi are generally squishy, if you're caught in a stun with CD on Blink and Hypothermia/CD on Ice Block, you can't really expect to get out alive. Nonetheless, I do believe that a good Mage with balanced gear and a Frost-spec will be able to unleash burst on par with most classes at 49, Shamans excluded, and still maintain a very good level of survivability. However, generally I also argue that a Mage will lose to the four classes you mentioned, and additionally Priests. Hunters with their ranged physical damage, Paladins and Shamans have the ability to heal and get immense crits at times. Warlocks have a scary amount of self-healing, and a Priest can dispell Ice Barrier off you and land some nice damage on you whilst keeping themselves up.

However, a well-played Mage in group-PvP will be able to have a major say in the outcome of the game. First of all, landing sheeps is something you don't really see Magi doing. A Mage is first of all a support-class, and should first of all keep the CC in check.

My two cents.
I could do Frostbolt in my balanced set @ 39 for about 850 if it crit, as a reference. GC-gear I crit ~1.1k.
Tetrica said:

You are quoting me playing on my elemental shaman the other night rofl.

WTF AM I DOING AAAAAAA AAAAHHHHH AAAAAAAAAHHHH , Oh right we won cool shit , skillz right ?
Mortox said:
You are quoting me playing on my elemental shaman the other night rofl.

WTF AM I DOING AAAAAAA AAAAHHHHH AAAAAAAAAHHHH , Oh right we won cool shit , skillz right ?

Actually, that's me after 4 months of my Mage. Some of the time I was pr0 though.

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