Lvl 20 resto FC druid


Hey, could you guys as more exprienced f2pers tell me if this resto fc build would work? I know theyr not viable as healers,as they cannot handle the burst, but how would they work as HoT spamming shifter flagrunners? Here's the Chardev, tell me if you know the way to increase its effectivity.. Thanks, please dont throw me to dark dephts of hell with your comments
here's my opinion: In order to be a good FC as a Druid, you need (again in my feeble opinion) to be able to survive more than 5 seconds if you get caught mid-field. To do that, you need all the resilience you can get...and speed pots (fast bears rock).

by the time you get those two things, you'll have played your druid long enough to understand what spec you want.

but yeah, any spec can 'work'...its just a question of if YOU can get it to work (or want to get it to work for that matter).

edit: like shft says your gear is really intro stuff and needs some love, but you'll figure it out as you go.
You rolling this on Aerie Peak?

The chardev needs a lot of work but do not fret, we will help

I would but it won't let me change the chardev on this computer idk why. the whole right panel won't even show for me
Thanks shft and solvo:) Yes im rolling this on AP when i get it to 20.. So BoAs it is.. hate farming them.. :/ Shft could you make a new chardev or just write here what slots you want to change? also you can conctact the char im rolling, she's called Vodkaplease. Thanks for showing some interest!
The problem I see in theory is that Resto can't outheal a focus, so somehow it will self outheal a focus.

All my experience with Druid is in higher brackets so I may be way out of line for 20s but, if you're not in bear form you're dead fast. To heal you need to leave bear form. So you'd only get to get hots up while bouncing in and out of travel form, but if you get stopped at mid you'll be in a worse off position to deal with focus.

Now. Maybe a FC support healer would work as a resto. You'd have the mobility to keep up with the FC, survivabilty of bear, and hopefully seeing as smart retrievers will kill healers, you can kite them off while the FC slips through mid and meet up after a res.

ghamoora's imo. or the leather int belt from bfd. you need int for shifting/heals. the leather 10 stam 7 int pants from bfd. boa chest > treebark prolly. and then of course the resil boa shoulders when you can
Scout's Medallion -- > Brilliant Necklace

Spaulders of the Hero -- > Feline Mantle --boe-- > Magician's Mantle

Treebark Jacket -- > Noble's Robe --boa-- > Preened Wildfeather Breastplate

Bands of Serra'kis -- > Uninsured Bracers

Vigorous Belt -- > "of Stamina"

Silk-Threaded Trousers --- > Blackfathom Leggings

Corpse Rompers --- > Sandals of Sacrifice

Dawnblade + Eerie Stable Lantern --- > Advisor's Gnarled Staff --boa--> Grand Staff of Jordan

Is what I would go with for running the flag
From what the new MoP talent calculator says, Resto should be getting a buff with the changes to Swiftmend and the introduction of Bash at a relatively low level (8). Then again, Blizz could change it. All in all, I will speculate that Resto (for Druids) will be a little bit easier to play on the FC side after MoP.
From what the new MoP talent calculator says, Resto should be getting a buff with the changes to Swiftmend and the introduction of Bash at a relatively low level (8). Then again, Blizz could change it. All in all, I will speculate that Resto (for Druids) will be a little bit easier to play on the FC side after MoP.

I think talking about MoP is silly, who knows how far off 5.0 is and NOTHING is finalized
From what the new MoP talent calculator says, Resto should be getting a buff with the changes to Swiftmend and the introduction of Bash at a relatively low level (8). Then again, Blizz could change it. All in all, I will speculate that Resto (for Druids) will be a little bit easier to play on the FC side after MoP.

Thats right plan your character for months away from now.

Im working on a resto druid FC set and i have all the resil gear i can get, all i need is corpse rhompers atm.

1400 HP unbuffed.

Restos are great at nic-ing the flag and getting the fuck out.

Focus fire isnt a huge problem just make a powershifting macro with rejuv and travel form and throw in a swiftmend and youll be able to outrun most focus
I think talking about MoP is silly, who knows how far off 5.0 is and NOTHING is finalized


This is Best in Slot.

If your a potion-popper and you have absolutely no problem farming potions; then I'd take alch over mining for the mixology boost and speed potions.

Also, Resto Druids are pretty OP when it comes to "learning jumps". So make sure you get some game-time with learning each WSG jump.

Ill take you through stocks as many times as you need it today on my prot warrior because im up to 23 runs and i haven't seen the ornate weapon yet

This is Best in Slot.

If your a potion-popper and you have absolutely no problem farming potions; then I'd take alch over mining for the mixology boost and speed potions.

Also, Resto Druids are pretty OP when it comes to "learning jumps". So make sure you get some game-time with learning each WSG jump.

Gonna assume the bands of serra'kis are a mistake? i mean if you're gonna sacrifice 3 int 3 crit for 2 stamina he might as well roll with the thick bronze necklace the stamina belt and sandals
The problem I see in theory is that Resto can't outheal a focus, so somehow it will self outheal a focus.

2 main perks in running restro for can unroot yourself and you have a swiftmend which will give you a couple extra seconds of survivability.

outhealing a focus won't work...your goal is to outrun it.
It's opinion based, do what u want. that'll get him started.
2 main perks in running restro for can unroot yourself and you have a swiftmend which will give you a couple extra seconds of survivability.

outhealing a focus won't work...your goal is to outrun it.

Heh. Probably should have actually looked at the talents before opening my mouth /facepalm

okay, thanks for very active feedback.. But shft.. I think that there is no vigorous of the stamina belt, and found that bis is ghamoo rah one with 7 stam and int.. So yea.. And why the sandals of sacrifice?
okay, thanks for very active feedback.. But shft.. I think that there is no vigorous of the stamina belt, and found that bis is ghamoo rah one with 7 stam and int.. So yea.. And why the sandals of sacrifice?
TBH i was not aware of that, wtf man i want a stamina belt -_____- I would say sandals for the armor
ok, going with sandals, and what you guys think about going to get 1h boa mace and if i get 85 to help, the furbolg medicine bag? It would be pretty big stam boost..?

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