lvl 19 twink.


hi! i got a lvl 29 rogue twink atm, and im thinking of rolling a lvl 19 twink too but the reason i made this post is to ask what classes are most powerful at lvl 19 brackets? what classes have many of their "main spells" and abilities obtainable till lvl19?

i was thinking about a class that is a caster/melee or a pure caster since i would like to have some change from the rogue melee smacking every once in a while.
what about how strong are druids in lvl 19 bracket?? im thinking about doing caster dps and sub healing.
Druids are good for fc/healing not dps

Rogues or hunters have the best abilities like ss, gouge, eviscerate, ambush for rogues or concussive shot, arcane shot for hunters

Hunters are the easiest to play as it pretty much takes no skill at all (concusive shot, serpent sting, pet web, arcane shot, rinse & repeat) and rogues can be hard to play as if you dont know what your doing (spamming ss, gouge if they run, eviscerate). Another easy class to play is warlock, you load them up with DoTs, fear them and run away and watch your damage go right to the top, but if you encounter a melee class or a hunter, that knows what they're doing, youll get ripped up.

Hope this helped.
Luka said:
Druids are good for fc/healing not dps

Rogues or hunters have the best abilities like ss, gouge, eviscerate, ambush for rogues or concussive shot, arcane shot for hunters

Hunters are the easiest to play as it pretty much takes no skill at all (concusive shot, serpent sting, pet web, arcane shot, rinse & repeat) and rogues can be hard to play as if you dont know what your doing (spamming ss, gouge if they run, eviscerate). Another easy class to play is warlock, you load them up with DoTs, fear them and run away and watch your damage go right to the top, but if you encounter a melee class or a hunter, that knows what they're doing, youll get ripped up.

Hope this helped.

Made my day, thank you!
i've seen a balance druid do amazing healing/dps, he had like top 3 in dps/healing in a premadevpremade and i was very impressed, druids at 19 can do dps...i don't have proof though.

with all the movement techniques and other aspects other than class abilities in WoW, you can pretty much spend tons of time trying to perfect something as simple as a 19 rogue or lock or hunter
Zanex said:
Made my day, thank you!

u didnt read what he said right after

(sorry dont feel like quoting)

paraphrase: "rogue can be hard to play if u dont know what ur doing: spamming ss, gouge when they run, eviscerate"

i agree with u that rogue isnt easy to play...only nubs think that all it is is spam, u gota know how to move and whatnot, but clearly luka thinks its all about ss spam so...
Tetox said:
u didnt read what he said right after

(sorry dont feel like quoting)

paraphrase: "rogue can be hard to play if u dont know what ur doing: spamming ss, gouge when they run, eviscerate"

i agree with u that rogue isnt easy to play...only nubs think that all it is is spam, u gota know how to move and whatnot, but clearly luka thinks its all about ss spam so...

My point is that if you have a rogue twink with all twink gear, 1500+ hp and 450 skinning you can have a guy who never played before dominate a pug bg.. Just tell him to spam ss and bandage every once in a while. I agree, however, that if you wish to be beyond the thousands of other rogue twinks you need some work.
o sorry...i thought u were praising him for recognizing rogue takes skill...which it does

i guess i misunderstood, however it still holds true that u cant be good in anything but pugs if u just spam ss and evis
Here's an example of one of the oldest twinks from my guild <Dominate>

This toon has every set possible for a Druid. A good example of healing/spell gear. Most Druids you check in the Armory will most likely have FC gear.


as you can see, he doesn't spend much time playing him cause he is constantly working on a new twink, but every 19 twink he makes he goes and gets fishing hat/boots within 1-2 weeks. Has even won the tourney on a level 15. lucky bastard.
Serious? I mean sure, mage is a good class and all but I would think he has made up his mind by now...
that video was from the very beginning of cataclysm, he has healing touch + nice clicking and binds orangutan :O
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