lvl 10 twink hunters!!!!!


ive seen a couple of lvl 10 twink hunters and want the best guide on how to make one....if you have one or you know how to make one please tell me!!!

That's one of our guild mates, he's pretty good. Was able to manage over 100dps when the +40 haste scopes were available. :)

Got heirloom axe, shoulders and trinket too. 20 haste > 25 agility etc. Get as much haste and crit as possible. Pretty fun imo
BRAWL said:
i think a lvl 14 hunter might be better for glyphs?

i dont really know much about lvl 10's but 14 seems like a more viable option

More like a lvl 12 for wingclip. But you won't get the same numbers as a level 10.

And as you ask for info, here's some (and yes, I have played it mainly post 3.1):

1 vs 1 impressively effective. U die very fast when focussed on.

You might want to have a look at my boots and neck as I have not seen them a lot on other lvl 10's yet. I can not get Savannah Bracers (+3 stam) because of my choices but I prefer to focus on dps. I choose Invoker's Signet above Slayer's Band as I find +3 intellect more usefull than +3 stam (as you can get 390 hp from trinket and head slots combined allready).

As a chest piece I usually use the one Of the Bandit + AP but allso have Of the Invoker for crit and 2 Dagui's with +6 all stats and mp5.

My talent went to Concussive after I tried 2 yards extra range before. I prefer 1 sec longer concussive, better kiting.

My pet is a lvl 10 spider (Ghostlands) allso excellent for kiting.

*Still need fishing hat and 2nd AGM. After that drop engineer for herbalism. +3 agil sword replacing for +4 version.

**Tip: explore all you need at low level, get your xp that way. Example, you need to do few quests in Tranquillien, explore all of it way before you need to (ghost-run fp's etc).

*** lvl 10 is so viable because haste is very powerfull at this lvl, get all you can of it (+30).
I always thought a level 10 twink would be more effective pre 3.1
Ugarak said:
I always thought a level 10 twink would be more effective pre 3.1

I thought u where right too. But now it is post 3.1 (so no good looking back anyhow) I actually find getting people down a lot easier due to much lower hp's. I have not done any maths on it (nor will I) but it feels as if my dps has gone down less in comparison to the hp's of most twinks around me (hope I'm making myself clear ;p). And with the ability to kite and put out some decent dps hunters don't do badly at all at 10. On a side note, my lvl 10 mage is much harder to play :rolleyes:
Ugarak said:
I always thought a level 10 twink would be more effective pre 3.1

Hunters are more effective atleast, they don't need that much hp, and the dps loss isn't 'that' bad.
Still... what exactly is the point of having a level 10 twink? I personally would rather have fun and be the best I could be.(twink at 19,29,39,etc.)
Ugarak said:
Still... what exactly is the point of having a level 10 twink? I personally would rather have fun and be the best I could be.(twink at 19,29,39,etc.)

For fun? Maybe you want to try out something new? I personally think it's pretty fun to kill bad twinks on a twink 9 levels lower than they are.
level 10's are the bomb! I play my 10's more than my 19's. I like to be the underdog, the guy that when people highlight you, your grey to them. Thinking to themselves I can take this guy or it's only a lvl 10, what can he do. Little do they know that you are all decked out. We don't have much HP's as we use to but I still can kick some but!
I've always wanted to make a 10, but when like honestly,

They get targeted a lot more than my healer.

"look a lvl10 lets kill guyz"
I have a 10 hunter, warrior and rogue i am working on. they die alot and are really fun to play.
it's fun

Why lvl 10? Try it out and you might find out how much fun they are. After twinking quite a few lvl 19's this is something that requires a bit more skill to be able to be usefull. And downing that lvl 19 twink that keeps on hunting you trying to kil you is just to funny :p

Allso if you are decked out in haste gear you're enchants don't show in nice shiny colors so you don't really show up as a twink (apart from having high hp) making the surprise element even stronger.

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